Some Photos from Fishing Creek, MD

     This past week I went with my family down to the bay, where we spent a few short but relaxing days away from the flooding that occurred in Frederick. I read a 390 page book in two days (and cried! I can't remember the last time I felt any kind of emotion at all while reading a book. Thanks for the recommendation, AB), got swarmed by gnats on multiple occasions, did a crossword puzzle, listened to music, wrote in my journal, kayaked with TJ, saved five baby birds from being ground to bits, bought coordinating ironic uber-'Merica $4.97 Walmart men's t-shirts with my brother, ate at the Cambridge Diner, visited the new Harriet Tubman museum, took a few bike rides, went for a run, and snapped a couple photos. I'm a pretty crap photographer, to be honest, but I love fooling around with photo editing and seeing if I can crop and enhance my crap photos into something half decent. Anyway, the following pictures are a result of an impromptu bike ride/photo shoot and some clever editing......

Gotta get that classic bike photo....

I could've just sat down in the middle of the road for a
couple minutes because no one drove by the whole
time I was taking pictures. Thank goodness, because I looked
like a total tourist. 

It was actually quite overcast when I was
taking these photos, but I managed to add
a little color to this one.

I once climbed all the way up into this creepy, abandoned house
overlooking the bay and looked in the windows. Whoever
used to live there left a doll house in their gave me
the creeps. I snapped this photo and two more before hopping back
on my bike and peddling away because the mosquitoes started
attacking me. Great security system. I would love to buy this house
someday and fix it up. It's the perfect treehouse getaway.

This is the strip of the Chesapeake that the abandoned house
overlooks. You can't see it, but the house is at the far edge by the
tall tree.

     And that's about it. Hopefully the sun comes out tomorrow...I'm sick of this rain.

-SE Wagner


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