Switching from iPhone to Android

I meant to post this over break and never did and it's probably a boring post but I mainly wrote it as a testimony that people don't need to be so polar about Apple/PC, iPhone/Android. They each have their pluses and minuses like anything else in life, and in the end, they're just technology, not the end of the world!! 

Image result for iphone to android     About a month ago, my iPhone 5s started acting up. It would randomly shut down even when I still had 30% left and wouldn't turn back on until I plugged it in...and when I plugged it in it would magically still have 30%. Then it started doing this thing where it wouldn't work when I went outside because it would get too cold and shut off and not turn back on until it warmed up again. Needless to say, this was a bit problematic. I kind of wanted a phone that would work when I went outside. So I started shopping around for a used iPhone 6 on eBay and was shocked to find that the cheapest I could find was between $250-$350. For a used phone that came out three years ago! I have always said that Androids are crappily made and confusing and ugly and I would never switch to an Android phone. I was an iPhone girl through and through. But then I started really thinking about it and I realized that one of the things I love best is getting good deals. My favorite places to shop are thrift stores like Act II and Goodwill, and places like Marshalls and Walmart that always have good deals. Spending $300 on a used phone wasn't exactly thrifty, when I could find a brand new one for a fraction of the price. My parents had offered to get me a new used phone for Christmas but when I really thought about it, by the time my next phone dies, I'll be buying the replacement on my own. And if an iPhone X costs $1,000 I don't want to imagine what the cheapest iPhone will cost in another three years. And I without a doubt will not be dropping that kind of money on a piece of technology that's been out for decades and should 100% not cost as much as it does. All this being said, I decided to take the plunge, save my future wallet, and switch to Android. My brother was totally on board because he's long been an iPhone/Apple hater and Android/PC lover. He's also a tech nerd, so I trusted him when he said that I could find a good non-iPhone phone. So back at the beginning of December, TJ took me to Best Buy and we found a $60 Motorola E4. I didn't want to mess with setting it up until Christmas because I knew I would be incredibly frustrated with it, so it sat in the box until the 25th.
     Well, I was right. It frustrated the crap out of me at first, especially the fact that all of my group messages were now messed up and I couldn't figure out how to fix them. Within three days though, I'd figured out the phone and the group messaging issues and now I honestly can't say that there's anything that I dislike about the phone, aside from the lack of iMessage. iMessage truly is a glorious thing and it works SO WELL between iPhones...but not between iPhones and Androids, which I'm discovering. But alas, it is only a first world problem and for $60 I'm willing to put up with messages occasionally coming late or out of order or duplicated.
     Coincidentally, days after I'd switched to Android, Apple released a statement apologizing for purposefully making updates that slowed down older iPhones in an attempt to make the batteries last longer. They'll be offering discount batteries for iPhones 6 and up for the next year to compensate for their greedy stupidity. So while ya'll go get your discount batteries for half the price of my entire phone, I'm going to enjoy being able to take my phone outside with me and not worry that it'll die on impact with this frigid weather.

-SE Wagner


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