2018 Winter Olympics: The Only Reason I Care

I do not care about sports of any time. EXCEPT once every four years when the winter Olympics roll around. And then I get hype. You know why? Figure skating baby, figure skating. I had honestly completely forgotten that it was the year of the winter Olympics until I saw an Olympic related headline on my iPhone news feed. Then naturally I had to go onto YouTube and look up who some of the figure skating contenders for 2018 are. And you guys, I have already found my favorite:

Image result for nathan chen figure skater

His name is Nathan Chen, and no, I'm not rooting for him just because he's cute (although believe me, that is a huge factor. I mean look at him. He is absolutely precious). I'm rooting for him because he is legendary and a literal record breaker. He was the first person EVER EVER to complete 5 quadruple spins in a row. Before Chen did it, it was thought to be physically IMPOSSIBLE. So he broke that record last January, and at age 17 to boot, and absolutely blew every other contestant out of the water at the men's national championship. He breezed his way to the top during the championships this year as well a few weeks ago. The second place skater was over forty points behind him. He's literally undefeated this season. That's amazing. I'm so excited. I didn't even know he existed until this morning, but I am so on board because he's so good. AND HE'S AMERICAN! So for once I'm actually being loyal to my country with my Olympic picks. Lol.

jennifer stone GIF
Now I want to lay in bed and watch figure skating videos all day, and watch every movie ever made ABOUT figure skating. I'm telling you, I was a figure skater in my last life. When I get to heaven I'm going to start figure skating. I can't wait.

Also, the Olympics are being held in South Korea this year, which is so exciting because ever since SE introduced me to Korean Dramas, I've been obsessed. And okay, the Olympics are completely different from Korean Dramas butttt still! It's a cool country-- they have great fashion and food and TV shows. So it's pretty cool that they get to have the Olympics now too.

Please please enjoy this video of Chen absolutely dominating the men's competition last year and breaking records like nobody's business:

And then enjoy this adorable interview where he totally forgets to answer the question:

Hope you're as pumped for the Olympics as I apparently am.



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