#RudyPutARingOnIt: The Vaughn Wedding

      It has been far too long since I've written a blog post, and for that I extend my sincerest apologies. I do think that for once I actually have a pretty good excuse for not writing, though! Besides being incredibly busy at school (I'm telling you I don't get back to my dorm room until around 9:30pm every single night), the last two weekends I've also been spending preparing for and then actually experiencing the wedding of my one and only brother! I wish I had better pictures to share, because it was a truly lovely day and I'm not sure that the few pictures I have on my iPhone exactly do it justice. In other words, I just want to see all of the professional pictures NOW because I'm sure they're gorgeous!! But since I don't have access to them yet, and since I want to share this beautiful event with everyone within earshot, I'll share some of the pictures I do have nonetheless! So enjoy!

My brother and Kourteney aren't huge cake fans,
so they opted for wedding pies instead! There were pumpkin pies
made by my maternal grandma, and apple pies made
by my paternal grandma. 

As part of the wedding decor, my parents set up this
cool old sleigh we have and put mums and hay bails around int. 

There were also hay bails for everybody to sit on. During the
actual ceremony, these were covered in plaid blankets,
and there was a floral garland adorning the archway up front. 

There was a port-a-potty for the convenience of the wedding guests,
and we of course had to make it at least somewhat pretty!

The centerpieces consisted of wooden discs, lanterns,
and adorable tin buckets with flowers. 

Kourteney wrapped and decorated all the silverware herself. 

This is the view of the reception hall from my seat up on the stage. 

Instead of a guest book, Austin and Kourteney had this wooden plaque
for everyone to sign that they can then hang in their house. Mia certainly made her mark. 

Before the wedding, Kourteney's MOH Ashley had to put on the garter!

Here's Kourteney all ready to go right before walking downstairs
for pictures. 

Kaitlyn, Genesta and I couldn't pass up a great photo opportunity!

Look how adorable the ring bearer and flower girl are! 

I took a couple of Polaroids that turned out pretty cute. 

Here's  one of Kourteney putting in her earrings beforehand. 

Me and the adorable Mia. 

The Bridal Party hanging off the hay wagon. 

This is one of my only pictures from the actual ceremony (sent to me by Genesta).
Don't they look so cute and happy?

     Well, there you have it folks! I assure you there will be more pictures to come because this wedding was adorable and perfect and wonderful in every way (even the part where we all  had to clean up afterwards. Teehee)



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