Valentine's Day Movie Night

     Maybe you're a chill couple who's been dating/married for a while and fancy dinners or expensive theater shows aren't your date night of choice for Valentine's Day, or maybe you're single and just want to feel a little romance vicariously through some lovable characters. Either way, here's a list of some great movies to watch on Valentine's Day, whether you have a Valentine or not.

50 First Dates

When I was younger, I really liked Adam Sandler, but I think it was mostly because my brother liked him and if my brother thought something was funny, I thought it was funny too. But now that I'm older, I'm not really into him as an actor. He's just not my style of humor any more. That being said, 50 First Dates is one of the movies with Adam Sandler that I still actually really like! And besides being really funny, it's actually really sweet as well. And has a great soundtrack. And brings back good memories for me too because I remember seeing this for the first time in AP's basement, the origin place of some of my most memorable movie experiences.

Far and Away

This movie was my absolute favorite movie for a while, but then I watched it one too many times and haven't watched it again in several years. That was probably not the greatest way to start out..."hey guys this WAS a great movie but you'll probably get tired of it eventually!" Let me try again: this movie is really good! Tom Cruise is adorable, Nicole Kidmann is endearingly spitfire, the romance is based on them actually GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER (one of my favorite things, and unsettlingly rare in movies), and all the historical whatnot that happens throughout the movie is super interesting. My one qualm with this movie is that they don't play the song "The Boxer" by Simon & Garfunkel during the scenes when Tom Cruise's character is boxing!! But I digress.

 Something for him and her:
Warm Bodies

A zombie-fied version of Romeo and Juliet starring Nicholas Holt and Teresa Palmer?? Yes please! This movie is the perfect date movie because it's equal parts funny, cute, and gruesome. It's also based on a pretty awesome book, so if you're one of those sweet nerd couples who likes to read the same books and then discuss the literary implications afterwards, this would be a great movie/book combo for you to add to your repertoire. (Do these sweet nerdy couples actually exist? Probably somewhere right?)

Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong

I mentioned this movie recently on the blog, so you can read my full review here. What I think makes this movie so perfect is the fact that the world created within it is beautiful and alluring and at the same time completely realistic. It never really gives you a clear ending, which is realistic. The characters miss big chunks of each others' lives, which is realistic. The characters fall for each other at inopportune times, which is realistic. And the colors and music and scenery in this movie are just breathtaking and eye catching. This movie is bound to leave a good feeling in your soul, even if the ending is kind of a cliff hanger.

 Tear Jerker:
The Painted Veil

I have seen this movie plenty of times and it never fails to make me cry. It's a beautiful love story about redemption and about the qualities within people that make them lovable despite some of their not-so-lovable traits. It's about two people who put aside their vast differences and had their hearts transformed by helping people. AND THEN IT RIPS YOUR HEART INTO A MILLION PIECES IN THE MOST BRUTAL WAY POSSIBLE. You will cry. If you don't cry, you are a soulless animal.

Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging

You know, I'm almost 19. I'm an adult, right? I should have superior taste and like things with underlying meaning and symbolism and thought provoking themes. And yeah, sometimes I do. But sometimes I just want to curl up with a humongous bowl of popcorn and watch a bunch of endearingly annoying tweenage girls with horrid cockney accents talk about cute boys and kissing and how to get back at the popular chick for being such a bloody wanker (that's probably really inappropriate to say somewhere in the world but here in America it's pretty meaningless so I can get away with it). I first saw this movie when I was probably 11 or 12 and I absolutely fell in love with it because it's so ridiculous and cringe-worthy and the guy is soooooo cute! (I still think he's pretty cute all these years later). This movie will definitely make you laugh, along with roll your eyes and want to speak in a British accent.

The Sound of Music

I wish I liked musicals more than I do. Liking musicals is a very "cultured" thing to do. It's very in style to like musicals. But I just don't. There is, however, one musical that melts my cold cold heart, and that is The Sound of Music. If you're like me, you first saw The Sound of Music when you were a little kid, and though you loved it back then, when you saw it again as an older fogie, you loved it for a whole new set of reasons. When I was young I didn't get the implications about World War 2, and I couldn't get over how mean the Captain was! Now that I'm older I love all the history involved in the story, and I'm pretty smitten with the Captain (once he stops being a jerk, of course). Also, the songs are just great!!! My favorites are "Maria", "Something Good", "Edelweiss" and "16 Going on 17" (Although I am severely bummed that I can never sing "16 Going on 17" and have it be in accordance with my actual age ever again).

In Your Eyes

This movie is completely unlike any other romantic film I've ever seen. It's a bit odd, to be fair, but I think it's really beautifully done. There's no real way to explain what it's about without getting you all confused, so you'll just have to trust me on this one. Once again, the soundtrack on this movie is out of this world. I also really like the actors and felt like they had great chemistry and really made me fall in love with their relationship.

Silver Linings Playlist

This movie is perfect if your a couple (or single person) who doesn't really like mushy gushy overly sentimental romance. This movie is about two broken people who can't navigate very well in the real world because of their mental illnesses, but find a connection with each other. Also, there's dancing, which is always a welcome addition to any movie! I also feel like this movie deals with mental illness in a pretty realistic way, without making it a cheesy plot point, or exploiting it.


This movie is the best of everything. There's fantasy, action, romance, friendship, magic, humor, creepy stuff, swordfights, a cross dressing pirate, drama, intrigue, mystery!!! And it's totally friendly for the whole family. It's just a great great movie that I've enjoyed since I was much younger and foresee that I will enjoy for the rest of my life. It's definitely a safe choice for a Valentine's Day date because there's plenty to keep anyone's interest, but it's not so romantically focused that it would be awkward to watch with your boo thing.

Hope this list gives you some Valentine's Day ideas (even though Valentine's Day is essentially over by the time I'm posting this...sorry, college girl life, you know?)



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