It's a Small World After All

There was a huge line of people waiting to take pictures
by the Love statue, but we avoided that mess by taking this
awkward far-away selfie off to the side of everyone hahaha.
     I had every intention of posting on Friday...and Saturday...and Sunday...and then life happened. I don't remember what I did on Friday besides FNL, but on Saturday I went with Melissa and four other people from Cru to help cook and serve lunch for homeless people at a church downtown and then Melissa, the two other girls, and I got donuts at Federal Donuts afterwards. I had a pumpkin spice donut that could quite possibly have been the best donut I've ever eaten. Then they took the subway back to campus but I stayed in Center City because I was meeting my family group at 2:30 to go Christmas shopping for kids. I wound up getting hot chocolate at Dunkin Donuts, wandering around and freezing my butt off on a bench for ten minutes before going to Five Guys for lunch. Five Guys was right next to Five Below and when I left I saw Eddie going in to Five Below! Perfect timing. So for a while it was just me and Eddie wandering around the store trying to figure out what 8 to 11 year old girls like because the rest of our family group was still on the subway on their way there. By the time they got there we were pretty much done (we'd just gotten key chains and fuzzy socks LOL). Anyway, after Five Below, we stopped into Pop Eyes because one of the girls in our family group hadn't eaten lunch and then we went to this sketchy underground Dollar Tree and I bought Christmas stockings for Rebecca and I, a snowflake decoration for our window, and some candy and a card for Rebecca's birthday on Thursday. All for $6! Bargain shopping for the win.
All of the freshmen at the freshmen/junior hangout.
     Then we took the subway back to campus and I had half an hour in my dorm before meeting back up with the freshmen and juniors from my family group to go to the freshmen/junior GCC hangout at Drexel. Melissa and Haley came too and it was a lot of fun. We were all randomly assigned to different tables and I wound up sitting next to a girl named Carolyn and Cassandra had mentioned that her friend Carolyn goes to GCC and if I met her to say hi so after Carolyn introduced herself I hesitated a moment and then blurted out "Do you know Cassandra Li?" and she was like "Yes! Wait, how do you know her?" and I was like "We went to middle and high school together!" So then we talked about that for a while and then Cassandra showed up and it turned out that the girl on the other side of me ALSO knew Cassandra because she was roommates with Cassandra's friend Anni. It was great, seeing all of the connections. I felt cool for having a connection to Cassandra. It's like the six degrees of separation thing with Kevin Bacon. The Six Degrees of Knowing Cassandra Li.
     On Sunday, Melissa, Haley, and I got breakfast at J&H (one of the dining halls) and each had like six plates of food and then we all went to our separate churches. After church I was supposed to go to a Thanksgiving dinner with people from Temple GCC but I was exhausted and burnt out from such a busy weekend and I had a bunch of homework to do and wanted nothing more than to spend seven straight hours in my dorm. So I did just that. I would've loved to have gone to the Thanksgiving dinner but I also know that I needed some alone time to recharge. It turned out to be a good day in the end because Haley, Melissa, and I got ice cream and I started rewatching Elizabethtown on Netflix.
     Today was another crazy busy day. From 11:30 A.M.-3:30 P.M. I hardly sat down. After lunch, I went to the grocery store, then back to my dorm to drop off the groceries, then to the tech center to print out a paper (the printer in the dorm was broken as per usual), then to class, then back to my dorm to pick up the groceries, then to TJ's to bake buckle as a Thanksgiving gift for Eddie and Rei, and then I walked back to my dorm to drop off the buckle, then to Mighty Writers, then back to my dorm, then to dinner!!! Ahhhh. I just got back to my room like an hour ago and I'm not leaving until my 8 A.M. tomorrow. I cannot wait for this break! I'm so tired! But I suppose it's a good kind of tired.

Day 1083 Song Recommendation: "Go First" by Damien Jurado.
Day 1084 Song Recommendation: "Love Lost" by The Temper Trap.
Day 1085 Song Recommendation: "Whole Heart" by Griffin, Bipolar Sunshine. Thanks to DL for the song rec!
Day 1086 Song Recommendation: "Elation" by isbells.

-SE Wagner


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