High Rock, PB Ice Cream, and a Birthday!

Hugs from Murph!
     I am home! Which is why I haven't posted in three days. My brother and I arrived in Harrisburg around 5:30 Friday evening, where my mom picked us up and drove us the rest of the way home and then we went out to dinner. After dinner I "fixed" my room, as it had been ruined by the stager who came in and took pictures of the house last week. I have a lot of trinkets and photos and memorabilia in my room and every last bit of it had been shoved in my drawers and closet. I agree that it looked less cluttered and looked better for the photos, but it could've been anyone's room. What made it my room was gone. So I had to put my stuff back to make it mine again, although I realized that a lot of the stuff I had out really was just kind of cluttery so I kept it in boxes to look through one day when I'm old and feeling nostalgic. I also finally got rid of CDs I bought back in middle school, when people still bought CDs. AB would have had a heart attack if she'd seen what the stager had done to my bookshelf. She'd taken all the books out and flipped them around so that the spines faced in and you just saw a bunch of white pages. I had to fix that too, of course.
     Yesterday I went over to AP's house and we talked for a while and got caught up with each other after not seeing/talking to each other since August and it was just like no time had passed. Then we drove to High Rock and hiked and got lost and took pictures on the rock and then it started getting really windy and looked like it was about to rain so we headed home (and almost got lost) and on the way AP suggested we get ice cream at Misty Meadows except neither of us had money...but then AP had four dollars worth of quarters in her wallet so we paid for two scoops of peanut butter ice cream with sixteen quarters. It was great. 
     Then in the evening we celebrated my grandma's 80th birthday and I was reminded just how weird my family is. My mom had taken a physical therapy class earlier that day and so she was practicing on my brother and my aunt and uncle and my dad and me on the kitchen table (I had the highest range of motion of all of them so basically I win). We took turns lying on the kitchen table while my mom moved our legs around and determined our range of motion and then stretched out any tight muscles. A normal birthday in the Wagner house. Then my grandma opened her presents and my mom had made her a scrapbook of pictures from when my dad and his sisters were little up until now (so like 60 years' worth of pictures) and on the front she'd put a picture of my grandma's childhood house and my grandma started crying...it was kind of sad but overall I think she had a good birthday and I got to see my crazy family so that's always good. :) I'm so excited for Thanksgiving and to see everyone once they come home from college!!!

Day 1090 Song Recommendation: "Marco Polo" by China Lane.
Day 1091 Song Recommendation: "St. Clarity" by the Paper Kites.
Day 1092 Song Recommendation: "Dew on the Vine" by Bear's Den. Thanks to SR for the song rec!

-SE Wagner


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