
Image result for happy halloween gifs     So I just found out this morning that next month (aka starting tomorrow) is NaNoWriMo. Don't know what that is? I don't blame you. I didn't know either until like an hour ago, and frankly i think the abbreviation sounds ridiculous. But it stands for National Novel Writing Month. All across the internet and the world there's this month long challenge going on where you're supposed to complete 50,000 words-- an average novel length-- by the end of the month. That's about 2,000 words a day, which is about 7 pages, double spaced, on Microsoft Word. Now, I'm an avid writer (when I put my mind to it) so I could probably do this challenge (if I had a personal assistant reminding me to write every day, and forcing me to keep going until I met my goal). That being said, it's not exactly the most practical challenge for a college freshman halfway through the semester. Still, I want to participate somehow. So I think I'm going to challenge myself to write at least one page every day or a total of 30 pages for the whole month. If I've completed this by the end of the month, I'll share the project with you. If I haven't... I'll think of a punishment for myself...
     I'm also trying to avoid YouTube next month because it's become a distraction, and SE sent me this way-too-poignant song yesterday that says "Anything I put before my God is an idol/ Anything I want with all my heart is an idol/ Anything I can't stop thinking of is an idol/ Anything that I give all my love is an idol" and as dumb as it is, I think about videos and movie clips and blooper reels and mini series way too much. I'm a lover of stories and entertainment and content, what can I say. But it's becoming too much and I need to stop. I need to write, because I love writing and it's what I hope to do for the rest of my life! But I've been neglecting it for other things. I also deleted my Instagram. (Again). I was just getting too obsessed with it, and that song was like a smack in the face. So thanks again SE.
     Now I have some serious homework to focus on before going "Naugle Treating" tonight with the roomies. So I'll leave it at that. Happy Halloween, Papersoldiers (I JUST CAME UP WITH THAT AND I LIKE IT!!)



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