Drugs, Outhouses, and Drag Queens

     Today's been an interesting day. I watched a movie for my Spanish class (in Spanish, with subtitles) called Maria llena de gracia about a Colombian girl who becomes a drug mule to support her family and swallows 62 giant grape-sized wads of drugs and flies to New York with them in her stomach. It was a pretty intense movie and made me realize I am so far from fluent in Spanish. If you're interested in drugs, Colombia, Spanish, or action/drama movies, you'd like Maria llena de gracia. After the movie, Rebecca and I went to the performing arts center for a drag show that was being held for National Coming Out Week. While we were waiting outside in the cold for half an hour, I convinced her that my house doesn't have running water and that I grew up taking baths that I filled with buckets of water I pumped by hand from a well and that I used an outhouse to go to the bathroom and my parents are hippies. It's kind of shocking how good of a liar I can be...or maybe I just look like the kind of girl who grew up pumping her own well water and crapping in holes in the ground. I still haven't told her the truth...not really sure that I'm going to, to be honest. I find it quite amusing.
     Anyway, the actual drag show was quite strange but fairly entertaining and after about an hour I stopped thinking it was all that weird. It was just a bunch of people showing their true colors and having fun.

Day 1053 Song Recommendation: "Anchor" by Story.

-SE Wagner


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