Awkward Encounters with SE

     Today has been full of...interesting...encounters. The first one happened while I was at the Newman Center for spaghetti dinner. I was sitting on a couch by myself, waiting for Haley to get out of bible study, when I saw a girl walk behind me and felt a hand rub my head and a voice say "Heyyy girl" and I turned around really slowly and was like "Heyyy..." and the girl like gasped and was like "Oh my gosh you're not--" and then we were both laughing and I was like "We've never met" and she came around next to me and was like "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I thought you were Natasha. I'm Veronica" and I was like "I'm Sarah" and we shook hands and we were both cracking up and Veronica was like "I'm sorry, I can't even--I have to go take a breather" and she just walked out of the room.
     Then today DL and I were talking on the phone and I was in my "phone call room" which is the fifth floor conference room no one uses and I was getting pretty animated telling DL about something and I saw this guy slowly rise up out of his chair and peak his head above the cubicle where he was working and we made eye contact through the window between the two rooms and then he slowly ducked back down and I was like "Oh my gosh I think I was being so loud the guy in the next room heard me" so then I just got up and left. It was so awkward.

Day 1049 Song Recommendation: "Clouds Catch Fire" by Fever Fever.

-SE Wagner


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