Why I Read

Some of the books that have impacted me. I wish I could share all the books.

This is something that I've wanted to talk about for a while. For one reason or another I just haven't gotten around to it. It's no secret that I love to read. It's part of my contribution to this blog. I would write about books if it meant that people would read it. I feel like that would get tedious though. Since college has started I haven't been reading as often. I've struggled to find that dedicated reading time. There. Is. So. Much. Work. It's been rough. I love reading but it's often put on the back burner. I want to get an A. Then yesterday I asked myself a question, "Why do I read books?" 
Now that I've been able to think about it here is some of the reasons that I read.

1. Books smell good.

I know that's weird to start out with but it's true. Just going to a book store and smelling a new book. I still remember the smell of my first Twilight book. I will never forget that smell. 

2. Books have a special feeling.

Maybe this is just me. I feel powerful when I hold a book. 

3. Books got me through high school.

Looking back at high school it wasn't the most happy time of my life. Freshman year was rough. That was the year I read The Fault in our Stars and Divergent. I started getting into reading more. It was great to be able to escape into a different world. If you asked me what happened freshman year I will talk about books. That's most of what I remember. Also talking to DL and Swag.

4. There is nothing better than finding a good character.

When I read Finding Audrey I couldn't stop crying. I related to the main character on such a personal level. It was so comforting to read a character that deals with anxiety. Also how it showed that she was dealing with a mental illness but could still live a somewhat normal life.

5. Books makes me more tolerant.

I've read so many stories. Some I could relate to and some I could not. It's given me the opportunity to see different perspectives. Jodi Picoult is a huge author that has made me see different perspectives. Books have changed my perspective. If you're struggling with an issue read a book about it. Whether that be nonfiction or fiction. I recommend fiction.

I would write more but I want to read before I have to go to bed. I'm not joking and I'm laughing at myself right now.



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