Friday Night Bites

Image result for redeeming love      I just realized the title of this post could be misconstrued as slang for "Friday night stinks!", although most people don't use the phrase "that bites!" anymore, so I'm probably safe...anyway, that's not how I meant it at all, because it's actually been a really good Friday night!
      First of all, I got an email this morning saying I had received a package and it would be available for pick up today. I was 99% sure it was the book I'd ordered, recommended to me by none other than AB. Needless to say I was really really excited. I might be crazy, but I think college is making me like reading even BETTER. Which is the exact opposite of what I thought would happen. But honestly, some of my TEXTBOOKS are even interesting!! And, since the wifi in my dorm stinks (the wifi BITES!!) it's like pulling teeth to watch YouTube or TV (although believe me, I find ways. I exercise patience.) Unfortunately, I had classes and work back to back from 9AM to 3PM, so the suspense was killing me all day long. When I got out of Spanish, I bolted directly to Eisenhour to get my package and sure enough, it was my copy of Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I ripped it open on the way back to my dorm, and started reading it as soon as I got there. I'm on page 87 already. Which is impressive for me. So far I'm liking it a lot.
      I had to rip myself away in order to go hang out with my peer mentor. At first I was kind of dreading it. I just wanted to stay in the dorm all night and read!! Plus, I've met my peer two other times (her name is Tori), and she's really nice, but we're still basically new acquaintances, so I was sure that it would be awkward hanging out in her apartment. Even though it wasn't awkward at all when we went out for dinner together. But you know. I always expect the worst when it comes to interactions with semi-new people. She invited me over to her apartment to bake brownies, so that's what we did, and they were really good (especially with the vanilla ice cream she bought). Amidst preparing them, and waiting for them to bake, and then eating them, we ended up talking for like an hour and forty five minutes. And it wasn't awkward at all! The conversation topics flowed really naturally. It's funny, because I don't think we really have that many common interests as far as TV or college major, but we have similar backgrounds and similar beliefs about life. She comes from a close family where they raise random farm animals and have a family business. I come from a close family where we raised random farm animals and have a family business! She doesn't have a boyfriend (and I don't think she ever has, but I could be wrong) and says she can't relate to all the people who are getting engaged at our age because she'd rather spend time establishing her career and figuring out who she is and growing emotionally before she meets a guy. I've never had a boyfriend and can't relate to people getting engaged at our age and want to figure my career and self out before I meet a guy! So I think even if our hobbies and interests don't necessarily align, our worldviews and where we come from definitely do. We talked about tons of random things, from weddings to taxidermy to forms of disposing of the dead to high school theater to family dynamics. It was nice to skip the small talk and just talk about actual stuff. It was a really good evening. Plus, her apartment is so cutttteeeee. I would totally consider living in an apartment on campus in years to come. It's actually CHEAPER than a dorm because you live with three other people and you don't have a traditional meal plan because you have your own kitchen!! And the bathroom is like pretty big! Her's has two showers, which is apparently better than some, but still. Anything would be better than cleaning yourself in the stable that is the girls bathroom. (It's not the bad, I'm being dramatic).
Image result for dancing in bedroom gif
Me, basically. 
       When I left her apartment and came back to the dorm, no one else was home because Emily went away for the weekend to go to a Penn State football game and a wedding, and Marina went to go see an outdoor movie with her peer mentor. So what does one do with oneself when the room is empty?? Well, here's a list of what I did:

1. Blasted music from my laptop because no one was here to stop me (although I'm sure they wouldn't care)

2. Examined my huge pimple with more intense scrutiny than usual. I'm always paranoid someone's gonna walk in on me looking at my acne and think I'm weird.

3. Change into my pajamas in the open part of the room

4. Re-organize my desk drawers and bookshelf. Sounds lame, but was actually pretty fun

     That's about it. I really should have been doing homework, but I'll find time to do it later this weekend.......hopefully. Now I'm gonna "go to bed" which means get into bed and read Redeeming Love until I look over at the clock and realize I really need to go to sleep or else I'm gonna be a groggy daughter when my parents come visiting tomorrow.
     Have a fantastic weekend.



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