Catching Up

     It's been a while since I've posted, and for no good reason. A lot happened over the weekend which I could have written about, since my parents came up for Family Weekend. It was really great getting to see them again and spend time with them. We went shopping, went out to eat, visited the museum on campus (which was really cool!! I can't believe I'd never been there before!), and then on Sunday my parents went to church with me. They liked it, which is good. Then Sunday evening, we had a floor meeting where several people from our floor (including myself) shared their "stories" or "testimonies", and of course, it was very emotional and moving. It gave me a whole new perspective on some of the girls on my floor. It also made me realize that opening up to them is completely welcomed and accepted. After I told my "story", several girls even thanked me and said they appreciated what I had to say! I was not expecting that, because I've always felt like I had a "boring" testimony that doesn't really effect other people the way that some of the girls' testimonies did. It's so humbling the things that some of the girls right down the hall from me have had to go through, and it's inspiring that they have allowed those things to strengthen their faith rather than diminish it. After the meeting, me and my roommates decided to do a little story time of our own in our room. I'd already told my story to everyone, so just Emily and Marina went, and that got emotional too. It was also good to get a better idea of where they're coming from. It also made me realize that there must be a reason why the three of us were put together. Because weirdly, we'd all talked to other people about being roommates, and none of those had worked out. Then, we'd been placed in rooms, but partway through the summer we'd been moved out of those rooms and into the room we are in now. Kinda miraculous, really, because I couldn't have asked for better roommates, and I think our stories  and backgrounds can really be used to help each other in a way.
     As for this week itself, nothing particularly interesting happened, although yesterday I invited Ally and Maddie to go with me to see a presentation by Ross Douthat, who's a well known New York Times journalist (although apparently not THAT well known since I didn't know who he was until a few weeks ago). Maddie had a lot of homework to do, so she couldn't go, so it was just me and Ally. I was kind of expecting the speech to be boring, but it wasn't at all! In fact, it was really interesting and brought to light a lot of things I had never thought of before regarding Christianity in America and how it has changed over time. He talked about how politics fit into Christianity (aka, not very well anymore) and how the fact that neither party is appealing to Christians anymore can actually be an opportunity for Christians to rise up and start something new outside the constraints of "Christian Conservatives" and "Christian Liberals" and just be Christians again. I'm really glad I went because it gave me a lot to think about.
     I hadn't eaten supper before the presentation because I'd gotten off work right before it started and had to rush to get there on time, and Ally hadn't really either, so we decided to go to the Union together and get a bite to eat. It was fun to just sit with someone and eat and talk. Basically, it was fun to have a friend! After that, we walked back to our building and went our separate ways. It was a great evening and I'm glad I sacrificed a few hours of homework/free time in order to actually go out and do something. Even if it did mean I had to do my Spanish homework between classes today. It was worth it.
     I guess that's all I have to say for now. Hope the rest of your day/week/month/life is grand!



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