Puke Icing & Chasing Cats

     Another after-school event tonight, this time the varsity sports banquet. It was as long and boring and overly-applauded as usual, but it was definitely improved due to the fact that my classmates were the ones giving the speeches and not random upperclassmen I didn't know. However, that didn't stop me from playing with my leftover cake icing in between calling the different sports teams up...

Or taking discreet pictures of DL that in turn made her almost spit out her sweet tea...

Or taking not-so-discreet pictures of MF being MF...

     When we got home and were driving down the driveway a little black-and-orange cat with white paws darted out in front of our car and my mom slammed on the breaks and was like "Oh shoot! That's Murph!" so we flung open our doors and ran after her, but she had disappeared behind the barn and our calls of  "Murph Murph Murph!" were going unanswered. I also discovered that "Murph" is a hard name to call repeatedly and that that "tisk tisk tisk" sound you make to call small animals is not very loud or very effective in the least, so I was just jogging around the yard tisking and "Murph"-ing but she was no where in sight. My mom went inside, just to make sure it was her, and I stayed outside looking around. A minute later, my mom came back outside with the good news that it was not in fact Murph, as Murph was inside. And just like that, I no longer cared about the little orange and black cat with the white paws. Just some stray cat. Oh well. Funny how that works. Well, not funny at all. Mostly just sad. I feel like there should be some significant life lesson I learned from this experience but...I'm just glad it wasn't Murph. I'm sorry that I don't love every random stray cat I come across. Murph wormed her way into my heart...Murph's doppelganger? Not so much. Sorry buddy. Someone else will love you.

Quote of the Day: "He must have gone to the hairdresser and asked "How can you make me look more like a lizard?""-DL.

Day 914 Song Recommendation: "The Heart" by NEEDTOBREATHE. When DL first recommended NEEDTOBREATHE to me, they were a little too country for my taste, but slowly they've grown on me, as often happens to me with music.

-SE Wagner


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