Meet My Therapist

Not pictured: me.
P.S. His name is Al.
     My alarm went off at 6:40 this morning. At 6:45 I told myself I would get out of bed and at 6:46 I fell promptly back to sleep and dreamed that I was lying on a soccer field with an old man and he told me that if I closed my eyes and thought of my favorite place in my favorite book I could go there. Of course, I thought that was pretty cool so I closed my eyes and the old man closed his eyes and I tried to think of a book I wanted to be in and for some reason I picked Eat, Pray, Love and I was just starting to become Liz Gilbert when I jolted awake (both on the soccer field and in real life) and saw that it was 7:45. At first I thought that that couldn't be right; I'd only been asleep for a minute. But it was definitely 7:45; both clocks said so. So I said a "shoot", got out of bed, and texted DL that I would not be at FCA, as I'd just woken up. Normally by that time I'd be on my way to Food Lion to pick up breakfast. That was the first FCA I'd missed all year (I think it was the first one at least...) and at first I was kicking myself for oversleeping but then I was like "Eh, I got to spend an hour talking to an old man about books." Turns out the FCA lesson was on stress. I think I've figured out how I deal with mine: sleep right on through it. Extremely effective. Just let those old man therapists solve all your subconscious problems. They're so wise. 

Quote of the Day
"I feel like the poster child for a book about puberty: 'As you grow up, you're going to start feeling a lot of emotions that you may not understand.'"-DL
Well said.

Day 886 Song Recommendation: "Drive" by Oh Wonder. 

-SE Wagner


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