When You Don't Know What to Blog About

     This is my third attempt at writing a post today. I started writing the other posts and then I started boring myself because I felt like a broken record. Sometimes I worry that I talk about the same stuff over and over and that everyone is like "Ugh there she goes again."
     Dang it, I'm being self-deprecating again. 
     Okay, I'm not going to say anything negative for the rest of the post. 
     Except that my dad is playing weird guitar music downstairs (the kind that is literally just one guy on drugs playing his electric guitar in an obnoxiously repetitive, endless, psychedelic way) and I have a headache. The headache and the music are unrelated but it sounded more dramatic that way. Okay, I think the music is over...whew. 
     Wow I'm boring myself again. Agh, self-deprication. 
     Maybe I'll try to find one of those question tag thingies. So you can learn things you've always wanted to know about me. 
     I couldn't find a good tag so I went all middle-school and asked Cleverbot for some questions. Here is the result:

Me: Ask me a question.
C: What is your favorite band?
Me: Coldplay.
C: What is your favorite song by that band?
Me: Yellow.
C: Why is your favorite color yellow?
Me: Because yellow is the color of happiness. 
C: Do you like coffee?
Me: Occasionally. 
<Cleverbot started being difficult and sassy>
<Cleverbot wanted me to talk about my feelings and I refused>
<Cleverbot started asking vaguely pedophilic questions such as how old are you and are you a girl and I realized my life was a complete and utter failure>

     So there you have it. I can't even talk to a robot. 
     Looking back, I don't know that "Yellow" is necessarily my favorite Coldplay song, it's just one that I'm surprised to have liked for as long as I have. That's the same with Coldplay; I don't like any of their new stuff and there are loads of their songs that I don't care much for but I've just liked them for a really long time and I like a lot of their songs and I think Chris Martin is a cool dude. Speaking of Coldplay, MF sent DL and I this car karaoke video featuring Chris Martin and it's great:
If you don't want to watch the entire video, I suggest at least watching 2:19-3:06, 5:18-7:21, 9:23-9:55, 11:25-12:06, and/or 13:37-the end.

Day 821 Song Recommendation: "Slip" by Elliot Moss. 

-SE Wagner


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