The Struggles of Finding a Roommate

     I have officially started my roommate matching profile on Facebook for Temple and let me tell you... people are weird. You know, I thought I was going to be the eccentric one, but that is not the case. These people are writing literally every single little thing about themselves that I could not care less about and it's like "Dude, chill out, I didn't ask for your autobiography. I just want to know if I can survive a year without killing you." Needless to say, I have not found my "perfect match" or my "dream roommate" yet. Given that there are only about two dozen girls to choose from at this point, I'm not concerned. I've kind of realized that I should probably put a different profile picture up because my current one has a dozen people in it, only one of which is me (no duh) so that's a little misleading. But I feel awkward putting a picture of just myself because no one cares. This is why I hate FaceBook. It's so awkward and confusing and I feel like everyone is silently judging me. And also, why are girls so annoying??? I was reading through these people's profiles and I'm just like rolling my eyes at them and making "pssh" noises and calling to my brother to come read how stupid this person is.
     Some examples:

  • "A few other things I love would include: - photography - fashion/design (but only to the extent that I like to try to look cute.. it's a work in progress!) - Make-up (even though I'm not the best at it) - Shopping. - Animals!!!! Dogs and cats are the best but I also love bunnies (and anything fluffy)."

Like, can I punch you now or later? Or should I just projectile vomit all over your profile?

  • "Though I love my calculus (and have a very close relationship with my graphing calculator whom I have named Harold)..."

I'm sorry, but I hate calculus and I hate graphing calculators and the fact that you named yours makes me sad inside.

  • "I'm really academically focused but u know still down to party//I love going to shows. Honorable mention: I love dogs and glitter."

You're really academically focused but you can't bother to spell out the word "you"? And why is "dogs and glitter" an honorable mention??? No one asked you to mention that.

     And then I read the guys' profiles and I'm like "Wow, you actually sound normal and only told me relevant information and don't sound like you're in middle school." (Aside from using the word "chill" way too often). This could be partially due to the fact that half of them are gay (I'm not making assumptions; they literally say it on their profile). So I think the moral of the story is that I should just find a gay guy to room with. Just kidding, just kidding, that's being stereotypical. I guess the problem is that most of the people who have already made their profiles are probably really into social media and crap and I'm super not so I just don't know how to react to all of these people yapping away about themselves (as I yap away about myself). I was even too boring in my profile for my brother, and he is notoriously boring. He was like "You might want to put an exclamation point after "Hi, I'm <insert my real name>" I'm just bad at this kind of stuff. I don't know what is important information that I should include and what is excessive so I tend to just put the most basic, dry stuff about myself. Which means that I'll probably end up with a basic, dry roommate. Oh well. Better than someone who loves fluffy, glittery puppies and sleeps with their graphing calculator.
     As DL mentioned, the nice weather has brought in a deadly case of senioritis and I am not taking it well. It's more than just wanting to be done with high school; it's like I have a severe allergic reaction to doing anything that I even slightly don't want to be doing. I hope it's freezing cold and disgusting outside tomorrow so that my mood will be dampened and I can get my head back in order because March is way too soon to be giving up on school. 57 more days. That's all. And then we are F.R.E.E. But until then, I still have to be anal about school and homework and grades. Unfortunately. But when I'm not being anal about my grades, I can go on RoomSync and see if semi-normal people have suddenly cropped up and want to be my roommate. Good times keep rolling.

Day 828 Song Recommendation: "When Evening Is Overwhelming" by Zach Winters.

-SE Wagner


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