Diagnosing Senioritis

     If you or a loved one are experiencing one or more of the following symptoms, it may be time to see your physician about an alarming condition known as Acute Chronic Senioritis:

- Your normally well thought out wardrobe has been reduced to t-shirts, college apparel, and your comfiest loafers.

-You start to take advantage of your AP World teacher's late policy like, way more than you should.

-When your hair is being weird in the morning, you just go "eh, whatever" and don't try to fix it

-You neglect your poor ear holes and go without earrings for days on end

-You just literally can't even
I have a feeling this will reach some of my fellow students on a very deep
spritual level. (Sorry for the F bomb) 

-You shamelessly eat brightly colored icy despite the fact that it will stain your mouth heinous shades of red and orange, and then don't even try to hide it anymore

-You continue using a broken pen just because you're too lazy to get a new one

-You realize that you're starting to get to school later and later

-You start counting how many days left until you're no longer a high school student AT ALL EVER AGAIN FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE (It's like 65 or something)

-You just start acting weird and loopy because school is so awful and pointless and why am I even here anymore? I'm already in college basically, see I have like three shirts that say so. And a little plush falcon thingy I bought in the school store. And my official Messiah student ID. Why am I still IN HIGH SCHOOLLLLLLLLL

These are just a few of the many symptoms you may be experiencing. Unfortunately at this time, there is no cure or treatment besides lots of YouTube and TV upon returning home, and plenty of rest.
Did someone already post this video? Eh, if so, oh well.


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