10 Questions with FZ

     Back in November I did a 10-question interview with MF and I had hoped to do a similar interview with a different person each month but I just never got around to it until today. FZ will be the second "10 Questions with..." interviewee. Just to give some context: FZ is pretty much a super-human; she plays sports all year round and is an exceptional athlete, she's wicked smart and the fastest reader I've ever met and she's involved with FCA and her church and a whole bunch of other activities. But more than that, she's hilarious and crazy and kind and perceptive and is a great person to have a completely ridiculous conversation with but also the perfect person to have a deep, heart-felt conversation with. So without further ado, here is her interview:

1. What is your favorite place in the whole world?
My parents' friends own a cabin in upstate New York. We affectionately called it "Doc and Mrs. Cindy's" and spent a week there every summer. We lived in a log cabin, went fishing and canoeing on a small lake, and hiked through meadows and woods. Some of my happiest childhood memories are from Doc and Mrs. Cindy's. Unfortunately, a local college wished to study the ecosystem of this land so our family is no longer allowed to visit.

2. Describe yourself in six words or less.
Ugh. :) Uh, perfectionist, worrywart, optimistic, Christian, stubborn, and hardworking.

3. What would you name your first pet?
Something nerdy. Probably Hermione, or Cordelia, possibly Han Solo.

4. Favorite Disney Princess?
I have struggled with this question MY WHOLE LIFE! How do you pick one??? :) Either Mulan, or Belle.

5. Movie that made you cry the hardest?
Uh, I cried really hard at Up. Also, Finding Neverland, WATCH IT! Probably Hachiko made me cry the hardest.

6. Favorite book?
I'm so torn. My all time favorite series is probably Harry Potter. Don't ask me to pick my favorite.

7. What kind of old person will you be?
I hope I'll be accepting of new ideas and beliefs, as time will inevitably cause society to change. However, I think people tend towards atrophy and simply become more cemented in their viewpoints. I'll probably just be the stereotypically super cranky grandma.

8. Best childhood memory?
There are giant acorn trees near my grandparents' house in Bethlehem. My dad and siblings would go on long walks and have "acorn battles." Then at night we'd go under the same trees and catch fireflies. Then we'd sit on the bleachers and my dad would tell us stories, usually old Native American legends with names like, "How did Raccoon get his mask?"

9. Dream vacation destination?
My dad has always wanted to go to New Zealand. Most of the Lord of the Rings movies are filmed there, and it's absolutely gorgeous. So I would want to send him and my mom there at there very least, possibly go as a family.

10. Advice you would give to your future self?
Start loving yourself. Stop picking yourself apart and finding every single flaw. Remember God's love for you and try to see yourself through His eyes.

     Thanks so much to FZ for participating! You won't ever get famous from this interview, but I loved reading your answers and I know other people will too. (Also, yes, Finding Neverland is a great movie!)
She's got the Christmas Cheer
School spirit champion


Day 826 Song Recommendation: "Somebody to Love" by Queen. As part of the 10 Questions interviews, the interviewee gets to recommend the song of the day. FZ's first choice was "The Sound of Silence" by Simon & Garfunkel which is a great song but I had unfortunately already recommended it. Her second choice was great too though. Enjoy.

-SE Wagner


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