Pinterest Pics

     It has been an incredibly lazy day for me, so to continue with that theme, I just copied and pasted a bunch of my Pinterest Likes and am going to caption them for your entertainment (or lack thereof).

Ah, Santorini. I don't care how many filters this picture likely are still so enchanting.
I used to always debate whether to smile or wave at
people (I still do) but now, if I do it and they don't respond,
I'm not as upset. Better to be the one who smiled
than the one who didn't smile back.
I WANT TO GO HERE! Anthony Chapel is an all-glass chapel
in Garvan Gardens, Arkansas and it's amazingly beautiful.
I don't necessarily dread the day I make a bad investment and
go into debt and lose my house and all my possessions because
I could always recreate this wonderful little trailer/patio delight.
Look at all the plants!!!! Heaven.
Assuming that I don't make a bad investment and go into debt,
I want this house. Or maybe just a neighbor with this house
so I can admire it from across the street everyday...The
 mint-green porch ceiling sold me.
This is ever-so-slightly hokey, but in a nice way. It's a nice
way to redefine beauty in other ways than the cliched "smart
is beautiful" and "kind is beautiful" blah blah blahness.
I love this picture because it looks truly candid. Just two randos
dancing in their apartment together to some uber-hipster
music while their rando friend pets their mutt dog in the
To be cinematic...I like the angle of this picture. Kinda captures the vastness
of nature and all that. And the girl kind of blends in with the background.
I wish I had any desire to read Alice in Wonderland because
it's so darn quotable!
Agh, so aggressively hipster. And who parks their car sideways across the road
like that for any other reason than to take a self-timer selfie with your iPhone
stuck in the dirt somewhere? Classic.
At first, this quote seems, quite frankly, idiotic. Like one of
 those quotes that just tries waaaaayyyyyyyy too hard to be
philosophical. But if you believe in some kind of an
afterlife, it's actually kind of cool. Because it's like this life
is only temporary, and we're all just trying to find our way
home (to heaven or whatever else you believe in) and everyone
we meet along the way is helping us get there.
Roadtrippin'. Except on a subway. But it could be any subway
anywhere and those two pairs of feet could belong
to any two people anywhere. The possibilities....
I don't know whether this is a Shel Silverstein poem or not,
but it definitely seems like one. Shel is the man. I should probably
take advice like this more often. Live on the wild side and all that.
Instead of spending my life in my house all,
maybe tomorrow will be Adventure Day.
That is a BIG plant hanging from the ceiling. Those
plants DO NOT DIE. They are my faves. I like the feng shui of whatever
room this is.
Ah, yes. Nothing better than feeling completely free to be
completely stupid. That's what a true friend is.

Day 767 Song Recommendation: "Atlas Hands" by Benjamin Francis Leftwich.

-SE Wagner


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