So Quotable! Happy 2 Year Birthday Papersol

You may not know that here on Papersol, we have over 1516 blog posts in our archive! That's what happens when you've been blogging from November of sophomore year until November of senior year! Along the way, we've each said some really quotable things. It's absolutely one of my favorite things to read something I wrote a long time ago and realize that I sounded smart. You always think that you're never smarter or more compassionate than you are right now, but looking back over the past two years worth of writing, I know that's not true of any of us. We had the same capacity for love and the same fiery spirits at 15 that we have now. I know last year we commemorated some of those awesome quotes, but it's been another whole year, and we've said just as many interesting and hard hitting things that I think it's due time to do it again.

I know that that was just God telling me to slow down. It's been the first time in a long time that I had been so distant from someone who I considered a loving father. I thought that my Christian testimony was over but the truth is that our testimony doesn't end until we die. -AB
I love it when we get really serious and spiritual here on the blog. It's hard to be that transparent about your faith, and this blog is the perfect avenue for that. AB is especially good at that.
 Sometimes I think that it would take something really horrible to make me be a truly good person. What I mean by that is that, sometimes I feel like I need to experience some real suffering and pain in order to realize how good I have it and shape up. But that's so not true. As Hazel Grace can testify to, you can know joy without pain. I guess what my point is that I am guilty of that thing most people do, which is to suddenly jump on God when things are going downhill.-SE
If you don't know SE, this quote is great evidence of how introspective she is. I've never met anyone who strives to be a good person as much as SE. It's truly inspiring.
    "Anaconda" is NOT about feminism, and it has undoubtedly created a precipitous stumbling block for people who are just learning about feminism and female empowerment. That's a huge shame, because we're trying to change the world here, and overly sexualized media content and unwholesome pop culture is stunting that growth. Luckily, you don't have to be a part of it. You should be allowed to form your own opinions about feminism and not be told what to think by Nicki Minaj, or anyone else. And-- in case you didn't know-- people will still love you even if you don't have a "big fat @$$". Just saying. -DL
Sometimes when I'm really passionate about a topic, I get very spiteful and saucy. I was clearly very passionate about "Anaconda".
 What if Martin Luther King didn't speak up? What if Jane Austen wrote but never published? What if Abraham Lincoln gave up because his opinion wasn't popular and so many people were dying?I guess what I am trying to say is do what you want? Don't ever take a job just because it pays well. If you hate what you do why do you keep doing it? It's better to make less money and love the job than the other way around.-AB
AB gives the best advice, and she always wants you to follow your heart and God's plan.
  I mean, we all drool on ourselves occasionally, right? -SE
Typical SE. :)
  When you take something that people believe strongly in, and claim to believe in it too, and then twist it's meaning around to fit your agenda, and blast completely conflicting ideas and ideologies about it for the world to see, it destroys the original subject. -DL
Me getting clinical about hypocrisy.
 I have accepted the fact that I am not perfect.It doesn't change the fact that I still want to be perfect. -AB
AB is definitely the best of the three of us about being completely honest about her opinions and her feelings about herself. I think if she were in Divergent, she'd make a great Candor.
 I'm having one of those "I can't even" moments so please excuse me for ending this post here.-SE
Just an every day example of SE stressing out.
 We kind of idolize these YouTube stars and think of them as immune to anything painful, because we only see their peppy camera self. But that's not true at all... So I re-subscribed, because I was touched and impressed. And also cuz that haircut is fine." -DL
Weirdly enough, I think this is one of my favorite quotes by me. It just encompasses my entire personality: someone who loves YouTube and video media and is greatly touched by films and videos on a personal level, and is impressed by the complexity of people. And has a deep appreciation for great haircuts on guys.
  I had a dream a few months ago that I was out of college and in my new house with a job unpacking stuff and I pulled out a giant framed picture of SE, DL, me and a bunch of our friends on high school graduation with our arms around each other and I hung it on the wall. I hope that one day I will put that picture on the wall of my house wherever the heck I am.-AB
I absolutely hope that AB's dream comes true. I'm just picturing us now, standing outside the Maryland Theater, one of our parents taking a picture of us and immortalizing our happy faces for AB to hang up in her house. I want this to come true so bad.
 And I was also thinking about road trips and how you can only do them when you're young and then I started feeling like I was getting old really fast and wasting my youth on screens. I want to go on road trips and navigate with a real map, not a GPS that may get me from point A to point B but won't let me see anything in between. I want to read books while I still have free time and I want to write about teenagers while I'm still a teenager and I want to enjoy just being YOUNG.-SE
SE has a grand appreciation for road trips and just calming down and taking life slow. Some might call her a hippie, but I think she's figured out the key to happiness.
 I'm always telling myself that if I can't remember what I wrote, then it wasn't really all that worth writing in the first place. -DL
One of the many struggles of someone who wants to be a writer.
  Start doing and seeing things. Instead of making judgments and fun of other cultures because they are nothing like ours let's go see them for ourselves and give a new perspective to others. Staying in the same place get's boring and honestly how long are we actually here for?-AB
AB spewing truths.

 It's that perfect kind of feel-good, anybody-can-do-anything, happy-ending movie that Disney is known for, and honestly, I really want to see it. I'm such a sucker for inspirational movies having to do with sports and underdogs. I know exactly what the ending will hold, and yet I'll watch it anyway, because they always make me feel good. And sometimes it feels nice just to feel good.-SE
SE talking about McFarland, USA. It was a great movie. SE predicted it perfectly. 
  There's so much to stress about, but there's also so much to be happy about! And in the here and now, things suck, but in the grand scheme of things, they don't even matter. Isn't life just weird? It only lasts at most 100 years, yet we spend about 50 of those years with our foreheads crinkled and our brains endlessly worrying and it's so pointless! -DL
Me making a groundbreaking realization that I didn't actually put into play for another several months. We're all good at giving wisdom and advice, but sometimes we don't always listen to ourselves.
   Go to work, be with friends, drive to new places, don’t take life to seriously, say goodbye to people I might not see again because life happens. Also to love people rather than impress them. -AB
AB lists her plans for senior year, which make me both intensely happy and really really sad.
 So yup. Moral of the story: You think you're special, but you're not. Seven billion people are alive now and billions have gone before you and there is a person out there, at some place and time, who has experienced the exact same thing as you. -SE
Another key component of SE is that she can be mean. Just kidding. I just love the smack-in-the-face way she phrased this.
 I fear people finding out my darkest secrets. I fear this so much that I've never even written them down. I fear being thought of/ perceived as a hypocrite. I fear milestones. I fear someone falling in love with me. -DL
Just reading this gives me chills because these fears are still very real for me.
 To rebuild a life is ten times harder than to destroy one. You can’t just go home and live a normal life after something like that. To hear that your son, brother, husband wasn’t coming home. Fighting for the South or North I just can’t imagine hearing that. It’s sad that we still fight about race, I feel like it’s disrespecting all the people who died so there wouldn’t hate anymore. I guess that’s a little too ambitious. -AB
AB loves people so deeply. I can only hope to one day have the love for people--past, present, and future-- that she has. I just adore this quote.
 “There are very few things more powerful than bombs, more powerful than war, more powerful than hate. But love is one of those.” –SE
This is from only a few days ago, but it's actually one of the quotes that inspired this post.
 I think I'm just a little stir crazy from this weather that's keeping me shoved inside at all times. Plus my big comfy bed just keeps beckoning to me "come lay on me and watch YouTube and Netflix" and I reply with a hardy "okay sounds great". -DL
STORY OF MY LIFE. Will I ever change?
 We can't all be the smartest or the bravest but that isn't what makes a good person. -AB
Be more like Charlie Brown!!
  True happiness isn't something you ever have to go out and get. It's always there. Sometime you just have to shove aside everything that's getting in the way.-SE
I love it when SE gets all philosophical.
  I remember when I was little and I would tell my Mom that I was tired and she would say "Well, you've had a big day". Even if all I did all day was run around in the back yard or finger paint in the kitchen or something, it all constituted as a "big day". Well I can honestly say that today has been a big day, and it didn't even involve finger painting. -DL
I miss those days with every fiber of my being.
  Sometimes I wish that a gigantic cross would somehow appear in front of me without hurting anyone. Sometimes that's what I need. I think that it's sad that in tragedy we somehow turn to God. Not that we shouldn't but why only that time? Shouldn't in all days of our lives somehow connect with our God?-AB
Maybe this is picking favorites, but I think of the three of us, AB is the wisest, or at least the most quotable. The thing about AB is that she gets it. I don't even know what "it" is. Love? Life? Faith? I don't know. But whatever it is, she gets it. And the funny part is she doesn't realize that she's so much wiser than the rest of us still trying to figure it out. I look up to her so much. 
 I kind of hate bucket lists, to be honest. But the stars just looked so pretty tonight...-SE
This is just such a nice little sentiment.
 It's the perfect song for the end of anything. The end of a road trip, the end of a school year, the end of the summer, the end of an amazing week, whether that week was spent on an amazing missions trip (in AB and SE's case) or just at home doing VBS at your own church and spending amazing time with your best friends (in my case). Now, if it weren't 10:42 on a Saturday night, I would tell you all about my day, but I'm very tired, so I'll just leave you with this amazing The End song. -DL

So there you have it. Some quotes from the past year. I can't wait to make another post like this in another year, and another one after that, and another one after that. This blog thing is part of me. I'm so happy for that.

P.S. This is completely unrelated, but earlier tonight, when I was walking my daily mile to the park and back, I realized how absurdly lucky I am. It was 8:30PM, almost completely pitch dark, and I literally didn't have to worry about a thing. I live in the tiniest little town in the world, we're not even on most maps, we don't even have a post office or our own area code. The fact that I can literally walk away from my home all by myself with nothing but a flash light and go all the way to the park and back without having to worry a single time that some creep would jump out at me. Like that's insane! I live in such a safe little community and I wish everyone could be so lucky. 

Here's the incredible video that SE made last year around this time.



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