Semi-Productive Day

     I can't tell if today was productive or not. I guess it was a good mix of doing nothing and doing something. On the productive side, I made a 48" long necklace for a friend of my aunt's (which took quite a while since I had to redo it a few times), I walked two miles, I finished my chem homework (mostly likely completely wrong), and I...what else did I do? Well, I got out of bed before 10, so that was productive in itself. On the unproductive side, I watched What Would You Do? episodes on YouTube, plus the movie Safelight on Netflix, plus the first episode of the show Parenthood. And mostly sat around all day long. Yay! But you know what, I refuse to feel guilty. I work my hard in school to get good grades and do after school activities and for five days I just want to do whatever I feel like and if that means watching TV alone in my house in fluffly slippers and sweats and my old granny shawl, then so be it.
     But at some point I do need to sit down and apply to the JMU honors program...maybe tomorrow. Maybe.
     Here's the trailer for Safelight. It was pretty good, especially since it was an indie film and didn't get much hype.

Day 734 Song Recommendation: "When They Fight, They Fight" by The Generationals.

-SE Wagner


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