Happy Anniversary, Papersol (a tribute in pictures)

     DL's So Quotable post was so much fun to read and look back on. Along with some quotable quotes, we also have some pretty great pictures on the blog. So I will do a Papersol year in review, picture style.
     I was just going to copy and paste the pictures here, but I had nothing else to do tonight for once, so I spent a couple of hours making a video for you. If I had known what a chore it would be to actually get the video into this post, I would have just said, "Congratulations, blog, you're two years old." But I'm an overachiever so yay. Now I have to wait 87 minutes for the video to upload to YouTube just so I can embed it. Oh, great, now it's 205 minutes. That's like... over three and a half hours. So I guess you guys won't be seeing it today. It's just going up and up and up. It's at 260 minutes now...oop, now it's going down...47...46...45.
Shoulda done it Jim Halpert style. Wow, this gif makes me
     Anyway. When DL and AB hashed out their brilliant plan to create a blog lo those many years ago, there was definitely a part of me (the pessimistic, cynical, skeptical side) that was sure it wouldn't last more than a few months. I mean, what in the world would I have to talk about every single day for years on end? My life is not that interesting. And I was right, my life is not that interesting. It wasn't then and it isn't now, but I still manage to rant on about things every single solitary day and DL and AB come in with the real content, and somehow our little system has managed to keep this blog afloat for much longer than I ever would have thought possible two years ago.
     Two years ago, we set out to blog about music, movies, and books. I can't tell you the last time I sat down and wrote an entire post about a song, and DL and AB more often than not write about other things than books and movies. But that's okay. I guess at the time we thought that a blog had to be about something specific, but since then we've found it much more gratifying to just rant and ramble and talk about the stuff we care about or the stuff that makes us mad-the hard stuff, the great stuff, the boring stuff and every "stuff" in between. And we're not famous, nor will we ever be. But we do have those select few readers and we love them all because they give us a greater purpose to keep on writing, besides just for ourselves or for each other. I hope we at least make it through college with the blog. If it pitters out for whatever reason after that, I'll be okay. It will have served its purpose well. But here's to another great year of Papersol.
     I refuse to watch the whole thing again because I know I'm going to find a typo and cry because I won't be able to publish this post in good conscience and I don't want to spend another hour fixing it and reuploading it. But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless and don't cry when you find a typo.

Day 732 Song Recommendation: "Red Hands" by Walk off the Earth. I've only heard this song a few times, but it just popped into my head tonight and so I decided to recommend it.
-SE Wagner


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