Chill Weekend

I did a lot this weekend and today I did nothing. I loved every second of it.
Friday I got my senior pictures done. Liz is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. I have no idea what the pictures look like which is kind of terrifying but there has to be at least one where I look good. Hopefully I'll get to see them sometime this week. After that I came home and reorganized my books because I have to many. You would think that it's fun but it's more exhausting than fun. One day i'll have a house and it will filled with books. Right now I have to settle for my room. Then I ate delicious pizza and binge watched the office. Now that I think about it that is the most perfect Friday ever.
Yesterday was the last day of work for a few months. It was kind of bittersweet. I'm pretty lucky to have the job that I do. So of course my friend and I had to go over there and get something to eat. My co-workers and I are planning to go to Chick-fil-a sometime and hangout. Then my friend Olivia and I came back to my house and took a five minute nap, answered some stupid questions on the internet and went back to her house to start the blog for our book club. Yes I am finally starting a book club. I have wanted to do this for years and yet whenever I would ask people they would think it was dumb or they didn't have the time. Now there's a date set for the first meeting and we have a book picked out. I realize that I sound like a total nerd and starting a book club isn't a new idea but it's fun. I'll be able to see my friends, eat and talk about books. Creating a blog is hard. I forgot how much you actually have to do. I'm slowly but surely figuring it all out again. After we started the beginning stages we went out to eat at Olive Garden which is over priced but it is delicious. Somehow we ended up dancing in the parking lot and people laughed at us. Maybe they were laughing with us? Probably not. Then when we got back to the house I tried to finish setting up the blog.
No luck.
This morning I didn't go to church. I cleaned my room a little, took a shower and read my book. I'm putting off everything till tomorrow. I know that's not the wisest decision but I looked out the window and saw the gray clouds and the bright colored leaves on the trees and I just couldn't. I will deeply regret this tomorrow. I curled up on the couch, wrapped myself in a blanket and read. I finally finished Confess by Colleen Hoover. It was even better than Ugly Love. No it is nothing like Ugly Love if that's a deterring you from reading it. I wish I could talk about it more but that will be in my October Wrap Up. About halfway through the book I called Leah in tears because of the feels and my fangirling heart couldn't take anymore. I really hope that there is some type of sequel because even though the ending was good there are parts that haven't been tied up. Here's some of the titles I've thought of.

  • After the confession
  • Still confessing 
  • Confess Part two (That's really lame.)
  • The much needed sequel.
  • What the hell happens to Trey?
Just some thoughts.



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