Stretched Too Thin

     In ninth grade, I participated in zero after-school activities. No clubs, no sports, nothing. Four years later, I'm involved in two sports, committed to multiple volunteering activities, and involved in seven clubs (soon to be eight once MF and I join the ski club). The problem is that I do not have the ability to be fully committed to over a dozen different activities. Instead, I have to pick and choose. So I make a mental list of the things that come first. For me, sports practice comes first, then FCA because we actually meet regularly, then Girls Inc. since I've committed to being there every Tuesday, then Red Cross Club since I'm president, and so on and so fourth. I make a mental hierarchy of how much time and effort I can put into each activity I participate in. Sometimes though, too much is too much. The problem is that I just can't say no. I tried to quit SADD club today and wound up saying that I would "try to attend as many meetings as I could", instead of saying what I wanted to say which was, "I ain't got time for this, and I feel like we aren't actually making a difference in anyone's life." In a way, it will be a relief to go to college just so I can quit all of the clubs I'm in and start fresh with ones that I truly like and are actually meaningful, fun, or make a real difference. Hopefully I will learn from my past mistakes and not overextend myself and turn things that are supposed to be fun into half-hearted obligations.

Day 656 Song Recommendation: "Ready" by Kodaline.

-SE Wagner


  1. You literally expressed exactly what I've been experiencing too! It like I make a list of my priorities in my head over and over again, and I say I'm going to put my foot down and try to fully commit to a few things instead of half heartedly commit to a billion things, but that's just easier said than done.


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