Some Views on Viewings

     As I said earlier this week, my friend KK's grandmother passed away. Tonight was the viewing for her, and my parents and I attended. I've been to a few viewings, although I don't really remember them that well. You'd think the image of the person in the casket would stay with me through the years, but it never really did. I think I went to my great grandmother Collins' viewing, because I remember sitting in a corner with my cousins Brittany and Cassie, and I think I even brought a book along to the viewing because for some reason I remember holding a book about a girl who made a quilt or something. And I even vaguely remember seeing my grandma and seeing a bunch of flowers. But obviously it didn't really traumatize me or anything. Then I think I went to my great uncle Henry's viewing, or maybe it was a different great uncle? I'm not so sure. I remember even less about that one, except that there was a guy there who looked just like my grandfather and I was introduced to him. And I was introduced to one of my grandfather's uncles who is only a few years older than he himself.
     Anyway, all that aside. As soon as I walked into the viewing, the first person I found was KK, so I gave her a hug and she started crying, which of course made me start crying. It's never fun to see your friends cry. Anyway, it was just kind of weird in general, because, side note NICK AND CASSIE HAD THEIR BABY THIS AFTERNOON! So there was a dual tone of sadness for the death of a beloved grandmother, and intense happiness for this new little one! KK hadn't even gotten to see him yet because of the viewing, so she was pretty anxious to get out of there and meet her new nephew. And Nick of course was excitedly showing everyone his son, but also, you could tell, wanted to get back to the hospital to see his wife and newborn son! It was honestly so weird to be in the same room as death and new life at the same time!
(This isn't RJ, this is just some
random kid I found on the
     As for the "viewing" part of the whole thing, I really had no desire to look at KK's grandma. Maybe that sounds mean, but I just find it pretty weird to look at a dead person that has been touched and retouched to look as alive as possible. That's just a strange ritual. And the mortician's place their hands and whatnot in positions so they look like they're just lying there chilling out. But that's not a comfort to me because there's no feasible reason why KK's grandma would ever be lying in the middle of a room just chilling without waking up. So why do I have to pretend that she is? It was nice that she was wearing a locket with a picture of her mother in it, and there was a photo of her wedding in the casket as well. But still. I could have been told about those things, I didn't need to see them. It's absolutely nothing against KK's family. It's just me as a person. I think viewings are weird and unnecessary. And when I die, I just want a memorial service and a graveside funeral. Actually, once I'm dead, if people want to look at me, they can go right ahead I guess. I'm just saying I'd be quite all right if I never had to see another dead body again. And everyone's always like "she looks just like she's sleeping." and I'm always thinking "Um, I usually don't wear make up on my face or nice clothes when I'm sleeping. Nor do I sleep stock still on my back. Plus, how on earth do you even know what she looks like when she's sleeping??" I just think it's kind of disconcerting. Aside from the actual body though, it was nice (that doesn't seem the right word) to be able to see everyone all together and showing their love and sympathy to KK's family, so I'm glad I went, because KK seemed really grateful I was there.
     The funeral is tomorrow, so I'm going to that as well, and I'm sure I'll cry, but oh well. And then there's Uprise, which hopefully KK will want to attend, although I don't blame her if she doesn't want to with all that's going on. It would be good if she went to get her mind off things though, but I obviously don't want to take her mind of her baby nephew! Anyway, have a good weekend! Hopefully you don't have to go to any viewings or funerals.
     You know, I just realized this will be my first graveside funeral. I've only ever been to memorial services before. This should be unique.



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