
     Rafting yesterday was a blast, and I would love to go together again sometime but we'd definitely have to get AP's brother to get us in for free because it's so expensive! I understand why it's so expensive, because of the equipment and maintenance and length of the trip, but it's not something you can do every week. But it was a lot of fun, and I'm so glad we had Subway to eat for lunch because the lunches provided by the company looked less than stellar. We all ate our sandwiches like we were half-starved. I hardly even tasted mine. Then MF and I had a wonderful experience in the woods... I still laugh in my head just thinking about it. Then we were back in our raft and paddling down the river and everything was going smoothly until Dimple Rapid, when everything went wrong. Well, we were fine, but the one unguided raft on the trip went down wrong and dumped out half the people in their raft and the raft managed to pop as well. After everyone had been rescued, we regrouped and the guides tried to inflate the popped raft but it was beyond immediate repair, so in order to keep the family who'd popped their raft together, MF, DL, AP, and I had to split up (DL and I in one raft and MF and AP in another), which wasn't great, but seeing as how we got to go for free I had no room to complain. Unfortunately, there was nothing for me to do but sit in the raft, so I felt pretty useless and it wasn't as interesting as the first half of the trip, but it was still fun. After the trip was over, we all got pizza with AP's brother, MF's mom, and one of the guides from the trip. On the way home, we were all so tired we mostly just listened to music but the car ride seemed to go twice as fast.
     After going rafting and seeing how nice all of the raft guides were and how much they seemed to love their job, I would definitely consider getting a job as a raft guide for a summer job. Apparently a large portion of raft guides are teachers, which makes sense because teachers get the summers off and raft guiding is a low-stress way to makes some more money. And since I want to be a teacher, maybe I could keep doing something like that even once I'm out of college. I need to graduate high school first though...

Day 622 Song Recommendation: "Never Let Me Go" by Florence + the Machine.

Love that song so much! It's in the background of that one The Book Thief fan video I showed you once and I think it fits that book perfectly

-SE Wagner


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