You Don't Know What People Go Through

It's one of those days where you just feel sick to your stomach. Not because your actually sick but because you feel bad.
Last night I got home from work and one of my co-workers texted me and asked if I could work for her tomorrow. I didn't answer because this persons asks me and others to work for her all the time. I just figured that she didn't feel like going to work. Come to find out that one of her friends was murdered by their father.
I just wanted to throw up.
All I could say to her was that I was sorry. I really believe that say something is better than saying nothing. Even if you think you can't make it up to someone or have nothing significant to say.
We're not perfect and sometimes I just don't understand why God does what he does. There are situations in our life and others that just are plain shitty. I wish that we lived in a perfect world with perfect people. That we could all just be happy and everyone would get along.
That's just not realistic though.
I felt this strong nudge by God to text her back because I had ignored her last night. I ignored God and did what I thought was right for me which was completely selfish and I missed an opportunity to help someone who was in desperate need of help and compassion. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that even if you think you know what someone is going through. You really don't, you don't know the person's story, you don't know the little tiny details that they know. At the end of the day I have a good life and when I am able to I should help others not judge them which sometimes feels like the normal thing to do. I think we also think that, that person or persons are beyond helping because why would they listen to a thing we have to say?
I guess we should all do what Jesus did. Love others and give compassion. Believe it or not it can go a long way.
" Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." -Matthew 5:16


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