Some Thoughts On 'American Wife'

There are some situations in life that if presented in my own life I would think to myself.
"There is no way I would be able to live through that."
I think Taya Kyle's life is one of those.
This was one of those books that I saw in Walmart the other day and I knew I had to get it because I loved the American Sniper book. Sometimes life just happens. We end up doing things that we never thought we would ever do. Like getting married, having kids and so on. This is one of those books where you will feel a bunch of emotions. I took a nap yesterday which was a mistake because I wasn't able to go to sleep at all which resulted in reading this book. I sobbed, not cute crying you see in movies but the ugly crying. Taya gives it to you straight and in a way I felt like I knew her. Reading the story and how she met Chris and how their love overcame most of the odds. She shared the beautiful moments but also the really bad moments. She was a stay at home Mom while her husband was at war and she didn't know if he was going to come back. Then when he did come back he wasn't himself and the fact that he was the most lethal sniper brought on a lot of unwanted fame. When she talked about life after Chris's death I felt like I was grieving with her. As I have said before I think one of my biggest fears is losing someone I love. I cannot imagine losing someone and then on top of that dealing with the fame.
My little post about this book doesn't really do it justice but I honestly recommend this book to anyone.
Happy Memorial Day.


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