
I haven't blogged in a long time and like DL my thoughts are all in a jumble. There is so much that I want to write about so it's just going to be random. There was a meeting for college today and once again it suddenly slams me.
I'm growing up and I don't know how to feel about that.
All the sudden a lot of decisions are on my shoulders. What do I want to do with my life? Should I cut my hair or not? What colleges do I want to go to? Should I stay in state or go somewhere else? How much am I going to be able to work once I do go to college? When is it appropriate to quit and move on? What if I can't find another one?
Today my brother started his internship and this morning I just cried. My brother doesn't really worry about anything but I worry about everything. He's not my big high school brother anymore. I'm doing all the things that it seemed like he was doing yesterday. Like going to prom and graduating. He's going to get a job, get married and have children. I just worry about him not because he can't handle it but because it's change. Change is scary.
 It is so easy to turn away from God and just get lost in my own mind and thoughts. God has it all planned out though. Even when I don't have the faintest idea about what he is going to do he knows and right now that has to be good enough for me. He hasn't let me down yet. Nor will he ever.
Now onto a completely different topic.
Thinking about all the choices that I need to make in life I started thinking about goals and passion. I have been talking to Liz, the woman who is doing my senior pictures and just how much she loves what she does is so inspiring. Photography isn't exactly an easy field to go into but just looking at the pictures she posts you can tell she loves what she does.
She really captures life in general. Not just the good but the bad and there's something about that, that is so inspiring to me. Thank you for that Liz.

After that I watched a video made by JacksGap which I swear is one of the best youtubers ever. Jack made a video about his 24 hours in Tokyo. I am not even joking once again I started to cry. Because honestly we need to start living. Start doing and seeing things. Instead of making judgments and fun of other cultures because they are nothing like ours let's go see them for ourselves and give a new perspective to others. Staying in the same place get's boring and honestly how long are we actually here for?
That's all for right now. I think i'm going to write in my journal a little bit and then go to bed. 


  1. I loved this post!!!! Just the right words at just the right time AB. And I watched that Jacksgap video too and it was really inspiring!


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