40 Pieces of Duck Tape

     I think we've finally come to a really good place with this blog as the year is coming to a close. This year has been chaotic and stressful and I think our posts (or lack thereof) have definitely reflected that. I've managed to post every day, but my posts have been brief and inconsequential, to say the least. Lately it's just been school and decompressing through excessive Internet use, and neither of those things lend themselves to creativity. But as school has begun to wind down and I've had more free time, I feel the more creative side of me slowly trying to crack through my calculus-hardened head. Last night I ripped up 40 pieces of duck tape and taped them to my desk. Every day that I refrain from picking my cuticles and spend only 45 minutes on my phone/iPad/Internet, I get to rip a piece off. Just today, I went outside, actually took the time to figure out how to do my math homework, read my book for world history, and did a few practice problems for the SAT. I haven't been that productive in WEEKS. The Internet is so amazing in so many ways. We have basically all of human knowledge at our finger tips. The Internet isn't the problem. It's the fact that we get instant gratification from it. Instant gratification sucks, because it makes you happy in the short term and mad at yourself in the long term. I envy AP for hardly ever turning her phone on, for seeing no point in YouTube, and for actually wanting to do things like play games with her family and go outside and take walks. I don't know how she's managed to escape the vise grip the Internet has on us, but she has. It's not like she has a perfect life and is happy all the time just because she doesn't use the Internet, but I do feel like over the last few years, she's probably had a better appreciation for life in general because she's actually been living hers instead of spending her time with her face glued to a screen, like yours truly. I remember back in ninth grade, when I couldn't fathom how anyone could become addicted to their phone or the Internet. I yearn for my ninth grade self in so many ways, and because of that, I'm trying to bring her back. I'm not going to go all hippie chick "the Internet is the devil" or anything. I'll still turn on my phone everyday, but I just think 45 minutes is plenty. There is so much more time for LIFE when you put the distractions aside.

Day 542 Song Recommendation: "Wildfire" by Bean. Get the song for free on iTunes.

-SE Wagner


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