25 Facts About Me: The Sequel

     AB did this tag again a few weeks ago and DL started doing it again too, and I have a lot of free time for once (that I should totally spend studying, but no), so I'm going to do it again, and probably wind up saying the same things again.

1. I can't get a tan to save my life.
This probably has to do with me never going outside, but even if I do spend the day outside, I just burn and then it fades a week later. Sigh.

2. I like driving.
Maybe this will change as I get older, but I enjoy getting in my car in the morning and driving to school, and then driving home again. Every day times 180 days of school. Good thing I like it.

3. My favorite color is turquoise.
I also like yellow, but not to wear. Just to look at. I like wearing turquoise, and I like the actual stone turquoise.

4. My favorite month is June.
June is the best month for so many reasons. School lets out, for one, the summer still seems long and like you can do so many things before its over, and for the first time in 9 months, all school obligations are forgotten.

5. When I was in elementary school, I had to have this weird piece of skin cut out of my mouth to make the gap in between my two front teeth smaller. It sounds gross because it was.

6. I tripped over my own feet in elementary school walking to my mom's car with DL and got a fat lip. DL and I spent the whole rest of the day watching Cheaper By the Dozen because I didn't feel like doing anything.

7. It's rare to see me without painted toenails in sandal-wearing months.
It just feels strange not to have colorful toenails to look at.

8. A bird peed on me at the aquarium during a field trip in middle school.
MF and I had a good laugh cleaning that up in the bathroom.

9. I'm most productive after 8 PM.

10. I've never been able to consistently keep a diary for more than about a year.

That's not my backpack, but
that's what my backpack looks like.
11. I've never played a sport for more than a year (that I can remember).

12. I've had the same backpack since 3rd grade (except for a brief period of time when my workload was small enough to not need an L.L. Bean backpack).

13. I find reading in public difficult.
It takes me forever to tune people out and read at a normal pace.

14. I hate math and science with a passion.
I know that may make me sound dumb or close-minded, but it's not that I'm bad at math and science, and it's not that I've not had enough experience with them, I just am not a very logical person, so logic-based subjects don't go well with me.

15. I am addicted to the Internet.
But you already knew that.

16. I've never had a real job.

17. I have a birthmark on my left hip.
You can't see it that well.

18. When I was little, I used to have a freckle right between my eyes that my mom thought was dirt and tried to rub off.

19. I prefer dogs over cats.
Most cats just seem kind of evil, whereas dogs usually want nothing more than to please you. They also don't poop and pee in litter boxes.

20. I love Dirty Rice.
If you don't know what that is, you need to try some.

21. I rarely finish a TV series I start on Netflix.
I guess I shouldn't say rarely, but I usually am obsessed with a show for two weeks and then watch it very occasionally after that and sometimes never get past episode five.

22. Coming into high school, I never thought I'd make any new friends, but I've made quite a few over the past three years, which is a pleasant surprise.

23. I remember all of the outfits I wore on the first day of school since 8th grade.
I don't know why.

24. I put on lip balm probably five times a day.
Maybe that isn't so unusual. I don't know. I'm running out of ideas.

25. My favorite food is bread.
The good kind.

Day 515 Song Recommendation:  "I Bet My Life" by Imagine Dragons.
-SE Wagner


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