January: This Month's Movies

     The title says January, but it's actually January mixed with a little of December, just because I've watched some good movies in December that I decided to share with you.

The Jane Austen Book Club
It's so great when a movie really lives up to your expectations. This movie did just that. It was very similar to the book, which was exciting, and it was just really well done. It was an indie film, but it had a big film feel, which was also really nice. I think that anyone would like this movie, even if they don't like Jane Austen. It has a star studded cast, and covers a lot of really interesting topics, and is sad at parts, and really hilarious at others, which is a perfect quality in a movie.

This movie also lived up to my expectations. It took a really unique look at someone with a mental handicap without being degrading or insensitive. And it wasn't unrealistic either: Adam doesn't end up with the girl of his dreams, and I think that was for the best. She gave him the push he needed to realize he can take care of himself without needing to be in his life all the time.

You've Got Mail
This used to be one of my alltime favorite movies when I was ten or eleven. My grandma had it on VHS, and I used to watch it at her house every chance I got. Upon rewatching, I totally understand why I liked it. It was really cute and funny, and Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks are just so good together. This is the kind of movie you watch when you're home sick or just don't feel like doing anything. It's a feel good movie that's not too cheesy.

Into the Woods
I saw this in theaters, and while it wasn't at all what I was expecting, and it wasn't my favorite movie, there were some really cute parts, and the cast was great. And of course who wouldn't love the song "Agony"? That was certainly the best part. I'm just not a huge fan of musicals, and I didn't realize it would be a musical when I went to go see it.

I also saw this in theaters, with my family, and it was really good. It's definitely the type of movie that is great to watch with your parents. It's inspiring, and historical and interesting, and I really liked it.

Son in Law
This movie is so funny. I remember watching this a few years ago, and when I saw that it was on TV, and I couldn't remember what it was about, I decided to record it and watch it again. Pauly Shore is so great and funny in this movie. It's a great comedy that's not too slap stick or vulgar.

The Wedding Date
I didn't really like this movie at all. There was too much scandal in one family, and it was basically just a rip off of Pretty Woman, but with a guy prostitute instead of a girl. And while Dermot Mulroney, the guy who plays the male prostitute, is an actor that I really like, and he's quite attractive, I thought his character was kind of douchey at times, and the girl he falls in love with is whiney and needy. But parts of it were enjoyable.

The Magic of Ordinary Days
This will always be a favorite of mine. It's the perfect example of a historical romance movie, and I never get tired of watching it.

This is quite possibly one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. I saw that it was still in my DVR from the last time I watched it,  so I decided to watch it again, and it was just as hilarious as I remember it being, if anything, even funnier. Kristin Wiig is just so funny. She completely shatters the stereotype that women aren't as funny as men, because she makes me laugh so hard. This movie also has a great message about friendship, that I really appreciated. And I absolutely love that the guy she ends up with in the end is not your typical sexy hunk guy. He's just an average looking, kind of nerdy, but really sweet dude.

Mona Lisa Smile
There are parts of this movie that I really enjoy, and parts that I really didn't. I think it's one of Kirsten Dunst's best performances, and Julia Roberts does a fantastic job as well, but I think that for a movie that's supposed to be about feminism, it does a pretty crappy job of showing what it's like to be your own woman without a man. Even Julia Roberts' character, who is supposed to be this hardcore feminist art teacher has a bunch of affairs with jerky guys who she knows are jerks! And even though the movie is supposed to be about girls in the 50s realizing they don't have to get married and be homemakers, all but one of them eventually meet a guy and get married (although one of those that gets married soon gets divorced). I do really love the setting and time period, and the message that the movie is TRYING to convey is a good one, even if they don't convey it very well.

Strictly Ballroom
This movie is so great. I don't even know why I like it so much, it's pretty much the cheesiest movie on this list, and is so random and weird and technicolor and typical low budget 90s movie, but it just makes me feel so happy. SE recommended it to me, and I can totally see why. SE and I have really similar movie tastes when it comes to weird comedies. We like totally strange and out-there movies that no one else really gets, and I think that's hilarious. There's just so much to like about Strictly Ballroom though. The girl he falls in love with is actually really unattractive, which I think is great, since in movies the girls and guys are like, required to be gorgeous. And while she does eventually get somewhat prettier, she never gets hot or sexy, and her transformation has nothing to do with the guy she likes. Which is super unusual in the movie industry.

The Lizzie McGuire Movie
This movie is a great end to my insatiable obsession with The Lizzie McGuire Show. It has so many hilariously spot on jokes and references, and is cheesy, but so adorable, and lets not forget: it's filmed on location in Rome, Italy, which is really cool! The scenery is so beautiful, and while the story line is so farfetched it's laughable, that does fit in with the general theme of Lizzie McGuire, because basically her whole life is a series of wacky events. This is the kind of movie you show your kids, but secretly want to watch yourself.

Bend it Like Beckham
While most of the movies  on this list were ones that I've seen before, Bend It Like Beckham was one of the few that I saw for the first time. I really liked it. It reminded me of a mixture between She's The Man and Bride and Prejudice. It had that happy go lucky Bollywood feel mixed with a sporty comedy movie. It was great.

After reading SE's review of this movie, I thought it sounded good, so I decided to watch it, and it was! I liked it a lot. It was light and funny and different from any other RomCom I've seen. It's definitely a movie I would be fine with watching multiple times.

America's Sweethearts
My Mom liked this movie, but I thought it was dumb. It was thoroughly predictable, and the romance wasn't romantic at all. It did have some really funny parts though, and a lot of really great actors, such as John Cusack and Billy Crystal and Julia Roberts, so at least the casting  was good. But the story was just kind of lame and I didn't really care about any of the characters because I couldn't relate to them at all.

So there's all the movies I watched this month! I can't believe January's already over! Feel free to click on any of the movie titles to watch a preview for the film. :) Have a great day.



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