January 2015 Wrap Up

GoodReads Reading Challenge: 55 Books

1. Throne Of Glass, Sarah J. Maas 4/5

Wow, the feels. I have been hearing about this book for about a year now. So my expectations for this book were very high. Even though it was a good book it didn't meet my expectations. Not that I didn't like the book I did like the book. It was just it would get really exciting and then it would get somewhat boring. At the same time though this is the first book in a 6 book series it's not going to be the most interesting book in the series. I have heard that the next book is even better. I will say that I know who I ship. Chaol and Celaena they need to be together. I don't care if I can't pronounce his name. There is just something so perfect about them. I don't like Dorian I think he's a spoiled brat. I know that's harsh but I think that he just has this mentality that there is no way that he and Celaena could not be together because how could she say no to him? No just no. Shut up. I just need to read the second book but I think I should read another book and come back to it. Again this series is high fantasy and there is a lot of info in the books and it's somehow hard to keep up with everything.  This is the kind of book that you could talk about for hours and still have more information to talk about. Why do you think that this is so long?

2. Cold Tangerines, Shauna Niequist 5/5

This book felt so refreshing to read. I know that sounds kind of weird but while reading this book I was so happy. Just to read the moments when she was going through trials but at the same time joyful. I thought that it was going to be like Surprised By Oxford but it was actually really different

3. Sound And The Fury, William Faulkner 2.7/5

I really wish that I could give this book a better rating. I did not have high expectations for this book because I knew that it was going to be hard to read. It was hard to read and I was expecting the ending to be this amazing, wonderful, everything makes sense now kind of ending. It wasn't though. You see the Compson family and how messed up they really are and I didn't feel by the end of this book that they realized how wrong or stupid they truly are. I think only Jason did and that's not exactly fair. Some characters even stay the same from what we read from the ending. I guess I understand that it had to end simply and vague because the family was never going to change anyway because their just beyond repair. It made me realize that my family is actually really normal compared to the Compson family which made me pretty happy. I just really worry about Benjy after the last page is turned. What happens to him what kind of life is he going to live?
I guess I'll never know.

4. Everything I Never Told You, Celeste Ng  5/5

This is a book that I think a lot more people to read. Since it's about a mystery I was expecting a book that was completely different than what I got. This is a book about a tragic family. I cried so much during this book. It was so shocking, especially the ending. I wish that I could say more but it would ruin the book. I will tell you though that this family could not communicate. They could not see the damage that they were doing. I wish that we read this rather than the Sound And The Fury because they were so much alike. This one was just a lot more interesting.
Highly recommend this book. I know I haven't read much this year but this is the best one so far.

5. Across The Universe, Beth Revis 4/5

One of my goals in 2015 is to read books that have been on my bookshelf for to long. I think I've had this book for the past two years. I have the other books to and I decided that it was time to pick this up. I am not the biggest science fiction fan. I don't know I just get really bored by it. The beginning of this book was kind of boring and that was because there was a lot to explain and that's just science fiction. I will say that I did enjoy the characters and by the middle of this book it kept my atttention. The reason that I gave it a four out of five is because there were some parts of the book that just felt kind of ridiculous. If you read the book you know what i'm talking about.

6. The Best Yes, Lysa Terkeurst 4/5

I feel like this is a book that I need to read twice. I read this book at a really stressful time in my life. I couldn't pay attention a lot of the time. I felt like it was really repetitive at some parts. Keep in mind though I went into this book having very high expectations. At the core this book is really good and this is going to sound cheesy but I think I did learn some things about myself. It was another confirmation that I worry to much and I do to much at once. I need to learn to say no sometimes.

7. Champion, Marie lu 4/5

I finally finished this book!
WOW. I have wanted to finish this trilogy for a while now but just didn't. I tried to read this book once and it didn't work out. I don't know I just got really bored and kind of frustrated which is why I had to give it a four out of five. I got so close to the end and then I just stopped. The last book in a trilogy always scares me. I don't know what's going to happen and I get so worried. The ending of this book was kind of gut wrenching. I started sobbing and had to take a minute to collect myself. At the same time though I feel like Marie did well. It was not the worst ending that I had ever read but it made me fall in love with the characters all over again. She represented war and devastation so well. It wasn't just about the love between Day and June. She showed the 'hero' weak at sometimes which isn't something that you see a lot. I don't know I just had so much respect and love for Day and June. They are some of the best characters that I have read.
Now you have to read it SE.

8. Opal, Jennifer L. Armentrout  5/5

Again another ugly but endearing cover.
Oh my goodness I am blown away once again. These books are like candy. I cannot put them down! I wish that I could say more but again this is the third book in the series so I guess you just have to read the books.
AHHH I wish I could talk about it!

9. Kiss Of Deception, Mary E. Pearson 4/5

This is one of those books that a booktuber liked so I thought I would pick it up. Also it has been collecting dust on my shelf for months. If you like fantasy and mystery you're going to like this one. I would just like to state the fact that I knew who the prince was all along. I'm usually the most clueless. Overall this was pretty good book. I was a little bored kind of like with The Throne Of Glass. With that being said this is the first book in a series so the second book hopefully will be filled with action. Luckily it comes out sometime this year.

10. Love Does, Bob Goff 5/5

Wow I am so glad that I read this book. I also wish that Bob had more books published. This book had me laughing out loud, crying and just wanting to read more. Definitely going on the favorites list. Bob's life is just so darn interesting. I mean he was in a dusty van with Satan. That only makes since if you read the book.


Did I really read ten books? Did this really happen? I feel like I just won an Oscar. I know it's not the end of the month yet but I doubt I'm going to finish another book before February. Can you believe the first month of 2015 is almost over? This month has been a really amazing reading month. I could not be more pleased with the books that I read. February is also one of those months where I go into reading slumps. I'm praying that doesn't happen this year. I know I won't be able to read another ten books because of the lack of breaks we will be having but I can't wait to see what i'll read next month.
I'm also praying for a snow day tomorrow. (Please God!)



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