Epic Reads Book Tag (SE's Response)

     I just got home from school and I'm sitting at the computer eating coffee ice cream out of the carton and I figured today is the day to do AB's newest book tag.

1. If you could invite one author and one of their fictional characters to tea, who would you invite and what you would you serve them?
Since I'm currently obsessed with her, I would invite Morgan Matson to tea and she would obviously have to bring Frank along with her. I would hold them captive and serve them French onion soup with chocolate chip cookies and green tea.

2. What book do you wish the author would write a prequel for?
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. I want to know what Juliette's life was like before her parents locked her up.

3. Name two characters (NOT from the same book) that you think would make a good couple. 
This is such a hard question. Urgh. Okay, how about Clay from Thirteen Reasons Why and Sloane from Since You've Been Gone. Clay deserves a second chance at love and Sloane needs someone who will love her craziness but will also keep her under control, and I think Clay could do that.

4. If you ran into your favorite author on the subway and could say only one sentence to them who is it and what would it be?
I don't know if she's my favorite author, but I would want to run into Ann Brashares and tell her thank you for understanding female friendships so perfectly.
5. What book made you a reader and why?
The first book I remember really loving was A Summer to Die by Lois Lowry, so I guess that kind of spurred my love of reading.

6.  Incendio! Your bookshelf just caught on fire. What one you book would you save?
I would save The Book Thief. I feel like I could read that book a million times and pick up on something new each time I read it and I don't think it would get old even though I know what happens in the end. Plus, once I got to the ending of The Book Thief I feel like I wouldn't be as sad about losing all my books because Liesel lost basically everything.

7. Which dystopian world would you want to live in if you had to choose one? Why?
Like AB, I think I'd have to go with Divergent because I feel like I could be a great hippy in Amity or a bad-A in Dauntless. It would be fun. Until everything went to hell in a handbasket.

8. What is your most epic read of all time?
The Glass Castle. I know that sounds weird, but I really felt like I knew the Jeannette Walls by the end of the book; I felt like I'd really experienced her life with her and by the end of it I felt like I'd lived through so many years, so I guess it was epic in the sense that it covered a long span of time in a really fulfilling and captivating way.

     And that's all for today!

Day 434 Song Recommendation: "Losing My Religion" by R.E.M.
-SE Wagner


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