December 2014 Wrap Up...This Is Just Sad

Spoken For, Alyssa Bethke, Robin Jones Gunn 4/5

I liked this book. I can't say that I loved it though. There were parts where I couldn't relate. Marriage and relationships are talked about a lot in this book and not that, that's a bad thing I just wanted something else. It also made really good points and the same time.

The Duff, Kody Keplinger 5/5

The reason that I bought this book was because it's being made into the movie and I really enjoyed the trailer. Reading the book and then watching the movie trailer I can see that it doesn't look like the book at all. In fact it looks like they changed everything but the characters names. I thought this book was going to be a romantic comedy in book form. It's actually kind of the opposite. In fact it's actually really thoughtful and serious. It reminded me of Before I fall by Lauren Oliver. I did feel for Bianca as she went from one problem to the next. Even though I knew what she was doing was stupid I knew that there was something more going on. This book was realistic. Teenagers don't handle everything rationally. They need to grow up and sometimes that takes a shitty thing to happen to them. I felt like the character did change. I understood why she hid everything because honestly I wouldn't want to tell people either. Overall this book was really well written and a fast read. I'm thinking I'm going to be one of those people in the movie theater saying that it's nothing like the book.

Yes Please, Amy Poehler 4/5

I love Amy, seriously I do. The reason that I give it a four out of five was because I felt like the story did get a little dull. That some parts were to long but all in all it was a great book and I would recommend it to anybody who has a good sense of humor. If only one day I could write a memoir as beautiful as she did. That's a joke. I could never write a book about myself.

House Rules, Jodi Picoult 3.5/5

I have actually been a little disappointed this Jodi Picoult book. I know no one is more shocked as I am. The problem that I had with this book is a problem I believe many readers had a problem with.
The ending.
I will say no more about it.
The characters of course were phenomenal but I felt that the book was a little to slow and I know that can help the book if you keep with it. But honestly I got bored and wanted to get to the court ruling. I will say that I loved one character a lot. The Mom, Emma. Not only because I love that name but because I felt sorry for her. She didn't ask for the problems that she was handed with and she handled them the best that she could. At the same time I knew that it wasn't going to end well for her and that was like a knife to my heart.


I was kind of disappointed with this month in general. I knew that I wasn't going to read that much because of the craziness of Amazon and just being busy in general. I liked most of the books that I read but I didn't love them. Out of all four of them my favorite would have the to be The Duff. I know that December is not over yet but I think I'm going to read at a really slow pace for the rest of the month and just enjoy reading. I read 70 books this year and I feel like a champion. I will ignore the people who read over 100 books. Do you have a life?
The 2015 Reading Challenge starts in three days.
Let's do this.


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