Some Thoughts on Month 3

     This little graphic sums up my thoughts on Month 3:

Day 307 Song Recommendation: "All I Want" by Kodaline. So DL told me to watch a fan-made music video of Max and Liesel (from The Book Thief) with the song "Never Let Me Go" by Florence and the Machine, but unfortunately, the video is no longer available, which is annoying and unfair, but what can you do about it? But I found a different Book Thief music video when I was searching for the "Never Let Me Go" one, and while I don't know what the "Never Let Me Go" one was like, this one, featuring Rudy and Liesel, gave me goosebumps. I love it when that happens. If you haven't seen the movie, DON'T WATCH THE VIDEO! Well, you can, but it kind of spoils some stuff, so if you don't like spoilers don't watch it! This montage of Rudy and Liesel moments was really tastefully done, in my opinion, and I like how they put a filter on it. It looks cool. Anyway, this video does a good job of summing up the relationship between Rudy and Liesel in the movie in a meaningful way, with a spectacular song in the background. Seriously, I love this song. The original music video for this song is also good, so if you want to check it out click here. Fans liked it so much, they asked for a Part II.

-SE Wagner


  1. I saved the "Never Let Me Go" video to my "Watch Later" playlist, and it's still available there, so I'll upload it to the blog and you can watch it on here. :)


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