Fall Bucket List

     So I just took Maggie outside to go to the bathroom and she was taking a long time to poo cuz she has diarrhea (TMI, I know) so I looked up at the sky
and it's a clear night so I could see a pretty good number of stars, and I was like, "You know, I want to do more stuff outside. It's so pretty." So I've decided to compile a Fall Bucket List.

1. Go rock climbing on some real rocks. 
Two years ago, my dad and I started climbing at the YMCA on their rock wall, and my dad bought me these nice climbing shoes and a harness and I realized the other day, when my bro was talking about getting new soccer cleats, that I have those nice climbing shoes that I haven't used in a year, and I really think I should use them. Plus, fall is the best time for outdoor sports, like climbing.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I need to be able to run six miles by November 9th, which basically means I have a month now. I need to start being my own motivator, because it's not going to happen if I'm not.
3. Go camping.
This is like a huge YEAH RIGHT. I hate camping. Or at least, I did when I was little. My parents used to take my brother and I camping and I hated, hated, hated it. When I was five or so, we were hiking and it was muddy and I was like, "No wonder they call it Dolly Sods". And then I was like, "I would never want to get married here!" Really, SE? Who would've known! 
But I feel like if I gave it another try, I might MIGHT like it. I love staying at the campgrounds at National Parks (but those are really nice), so maybe I could tolerate camping now.
4. Write. 
I'm going to make it a goal to finish one of the "books" (I use that term very loosely) I'm working on by New Year's.
5. Learn some more ukulele songs.
I need to expand my database.
6. Do something for Halloween.
It's been years since I've really "celebrated" Halloween. It's my dad's birthday, so usually we do something for that, and I don't live in a neighborhood, so no one comes knocking on our door, and we don't go knocking on anyone else's. So Halloween has always been kind of a non-holiday for me, but I want to try to do something Halloween-y this year.
7. Sneak my way into the Latin club's annual corn maze trip.
Okay, this probably won't happen, but it sounds like so much fun, and I really want to tag along!

I kind of hate bucket lists, to be honest. But the stars just looked so pretty tonight...

Day 309 Song Recommendation: "Heart It Races" by Dr. Dog.

The video below is a preview for the movie "Ways to Live Forever", which is based on the book of the same title, which always reminds me of fall for some reason. Maybe because of the cover. I haven't seen it, but I want to.

-SE Wagner


  1. Maybe I could sneak you in as my cousin! The corn maze is open to family members.

  2. Lol, I think Tootie knows who I am.


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