Some days, I wish I lived in the Stone Age. Some days like today.
     So I stupidly didn't finish my author bio in English today, but I thought that it would be fine because I could just put it on my flash drive and take it home and finish it. Well, what I didn't realize was that we don't have Mirosoft Publisher, which means that I can't finish the darn thing! So then I spent like an hour trying to download a free trial of Microsoft Publisher, only to find out that the free trial downloaded a bunch of updated Microsoft programs EXCEPT Publisher, and now I'm back to square one, except in an even bigger whole, because now I have to figure out a way to cancel the subscription without canceling our current Microsoft Office 2008 subscription. Right now I'm cursing technology to the moon (while using it to type this.The irony.) So now I'm going to have to get my dad to fix the mess I made on the computer and figure out a way to finish my darn project on the computers at school tomorrow. If only I'd spent less time worrying about the font and color schemes... Someone could have told me it printed in black and white!!!

     Good googly, I'm going to have an aneurism if I don't calm down. 

     Some happy news (I guess)... My mom brought how four kittens from the shelter that we're going to foster! Except they don't like people and hiss when you get too close. Which is why we're fostering them. Hopefully they'll come around in the next few days, because grumpy kitties are no fun. There's two torties, one gray one, and one black one. The black one is the only boy. Their names are Oxford, Opium, Paisly, and Pappagallo. We did not name them. Who names a kitten Opium?!?!? I'm calling her Opal, and I'm calling Oxford Ox (or maybe Oxy), and I'm calling Pappagallo Pappa. Pappa, Paisly, Opal, and Ox. Yeah. I would show you pictures, but as I said, they don't like people, so I don't think they'd appreciate photographs. In their shelter "profile pics" Oxford has her teeth bared in a hiss and looks like she's about to kill someone and Opium looks like she's on Opium. Not too endearing. 

Day 159 Song Recommendation: "Lights" by Phantogram. I definitely feel like I've recommended this song before...
-SE Wagner


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