Depending on God

I have been posting a lot about seven and this post is no exception. School and life always drag me away from God and my faith. It's a constant test of faith, with teachers, friends and expectations. I love fasting...that's a lie. Even though there are things in my life that I can't help but not ignore because of well life. I also say things that I don't mean. I am not a perfect Christian and I know that is obvious because no one is. I sometimes deliberately ignore God, I tell myself that i'm not but I am. Sometimes I ignore God because I forget that he is a father not only a father but my father. In the beginning of 7 I was angry with God because I was doing this for the both of us. I think I was a little to ambitious. In month 1: food I was on the internet and in my journal because I had to complain about it and how much I wanted real food. I literally thought that in my head. First of all what is real food? As far as I am concerned I wasn't eating real food. I was eating disgusting food that in no way did anything good for my body. I was ignoring the real food. Because let's be honest we would so rather eat chocolate than carrots. Why? instant satisfaction and I didn't think twice about it. Halfway through the month I found myself depending on God because I realized I was all in. My family and friends knew that I was eating seven foods. I began to pray a lot more and read my bible. I thought about families and people in other countries who don't have food at all. I suddenly felt like a stupid white girl who lives in a developed country. It got easier after time. Month 3: Media. This is my demon, I love my internet. I am using it right now to write this blog post. Swag, DL and I have come to the conclusion that we will only be posting blog posts in month three. This means now Finnick Odair gifs for me, tumblr, facebook, twitter. The only two websites that I will be using is the blog and Goodreads so I can keep up with my reading challenge and know if I need to read more. How will this be accomplished? I have asked my Mom to change all of my passwords to my social networking sites. Passwords that I will never be able to figure out till the end of the month. The internet is addicting and it can take over your life. I have been watching Jen Hatmaker videos and I have realized that she is a real person who understands that this is hard. She explains how hard it is and I am so glad that she is real. I hope that DL, Swag and I keep each other accountable and be honest when we cheat because this is going to be hard. Also I will have someone to rant to when I want some soda.


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