Writing An Essay...No One Can Tell You How To Write

Today is the first beautiful day in a loooooooong time. Am I outside? Nope, i'm re-writing a Macbeth paper that doesn't need to be re-written, writing 2 college essays, studying for two tests and writing another essay (from the same teacher that is making me and everyone else re-write the Macbeth paper.) I'm refraining from going on Twitter and telling my teacher to shove it and go outside.
Like I have said before I love to write. One of the greatest things about writing is the freedom of it. This is why Math and I are not best friends, in fact enemies. 2 + 2 = 4. This fact is never going to change. Writing can be anything, you can say whatever you want. When we read novels we develop opinions, agree and disagree with opinions. I don't know why it is so hard to be open minded when it comes to writing, especially essays. We don't all have to sound like an intelligent well rounded student in every paper we write. In case your the rare few that get 90s or above on everything you turn in. Which is great for you, that's not me. We are teenagers, not freaking Eisenstein. One of the biggest things that I struggle with when writing an essay is putting my opinion. I'm very opinionated...if you haven't already figured that out. It is something that I have always done. My teacher last year loved that I put my opinion I wrote a whole essay about how the death of Romeo and Juliet was their own fault. It was impossible for me not to put my opinion because I loved the play and hated the characters. It was easy to write. She told me it made her laugh and she loved it. She even wanted to put me in an AP class. (Sorry Mrs. H.) The unfortunate thing about this, is that you get new teachers and they are not all the same. The teacher that I have this year has a specific way of writing a 'well rounded' and 'intelligent' essay. Listen, i'm not saying that teenagers are not intelligent, they are. It's just that the way a teenager has a different way of writing a paper than a  adult would. Both can be great, just written differently. At the beginning of the year when we started to write essays every two weeks I hated it. The first one I just wrote what I wanted and how I felt and I really enjoyed it. But my grade went down because of what I wrote. Then I started to write what I knew my teacher expected and my grade went up significantly but the joy of writing was sucked out of me. There was no passion what I wrote and I just wrote it because I had too. Is it worth it? For the sake of your grade? Yes. For writing what you like? Uh not so much. So for all the teachers out there let your students write what they want. Let them spread there wings a little and remind them that writing doesn't have to be boring. Trust me they will be a whole lot happier. Now again I am going to try not to go on Twitter because I know that she is probably posting tweets about how the essay is going to be due on Tuesday and how 'we can all do it.'
I feel like Hazel Grace today.
DFTBA everyone,

Another Well Cast video, I honestly love these people and the videos that they make. It always makes me more productive when I'm writing. Now I have to fix a Macbeth paper. 


  1. Excellent article. Such post really helps a lot in writing an essay students should see such article. I am professional writer so I also know what it takes to write my essay.


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