Beautiful Day, Hideous Homework

     If it weren't for AB's post today, I would have totally forgotten to do my Journal Explode essay for English class, so thank you so much! On the bad side however, I didn't bring home my journal, so I don't really remember many of the topics, and will have to write my essay on notebook paper instead of in my composition book. So that'll be fun.

LIES!!!! LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     Anyway, AB hit the nail on the head. I hate writing essays, which is contradicting because I love writing wholeheartedly, but like AB said, teachers seem to think that there's a specific formula to writing papers, which there absolutely, undeniably is not. There is not, nor will there ever be, a formula of any kind to any type of writing. That's also why I hate structured poetry. The entire point of poetry is that it's an unusual and different way to express yourself through writing, a freer and less rigid style of writing. So when people break the flowing, freefalling concept of poetry down into structures such as Sonnets or Kyrielles or Couplets, it takes out all the freedom of expression and creativity that poetry was specifically created to give a writer in the first place. And that, my friend, is just so wrong it makes me angry. Once again going back to what AB said, the reason writing and English have always been my favorite subjects is because there is no right or wrong answer-- or at least there isn't supposed to be. So when teachers introduce this bogus structure to writing and claim that if you don't follow it, you are writing incorrectly (the phrase "writing incorrectly" shouldn't even exist because it's never true) then it makes those subjects dull and false, and like math, which I hate because it's so easy to not understand and be wrong! No one should have to struggle with writing, as hard as it is sometimes, because there should be no wrong and right answers in writing.
     Anyway, it was in fact an absolutely gorgeous day outside, and I sincerely hope that it stays this beautiful and we don't get any more snow!!!!!!!!! I'm tired of it!!! I know at the beginning of the winter I was the one who wanted all the snow, well I've had my fill now!
     I don't have much else to say, so I'll leave off with that for today.

Movie Recommendation: The Breakfast Club. I'm paranoid that I've recommended this already, but even if I have, it's a movie worth rehashing several times. This is seriously the greatest representation of '80s film out there, and I think that's a pretty widely acknowledged opinion. It completely defines not only the social order of the '80s, but life in general. Though the clothes may be outdated, the themes introduced in The Breakfast Club will never go out of style, and it's a movie that will be enjoyed by people of every age for centuries to come.



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