50 Random Questions Tag (The Other One)

What I did when I got home from my last driving session.
I am finally able to blog again and I am so freaking excited. Don't think that it's something really cool but it's not. I finished my final driving session and I am so happy. It isn't that I hated it, it is just extremely stressful. I don't like driving. I get a giant headaches whenever I am done driving. Since I didn't do Tag Tuesday I thought that I would do one today. It is really hard to find Tags that are not book related because most of them are pretty pointless.I found this one even though it is completely random...hence the title. Also I have done one like this before but I found different questions.

1.What was the last book you read?

Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi, I LOVED IT.

2. Do you like roller coasters?

I live for amusement parks, the faster the better. I love the adrenaline rush that I get whenever I get on one.

3. Day or night?

Day, at least that's what i'm feeling right now.

4. What do you hear right now?

The wind outside and the Nive Nulls video I am watching right now.

5. What would you name your son or daughter if you had one?

Gosh, this is a hard one. I know that it will change in time. Daughter- Emmaline (Yes I will spell it like that.) Son- Isaiah or Kailand. Watch I won't name any of my kids these names.

 6. Do you want kids? Why or why not?

I absolutely want kids, I have always loved babies. I think that there is something beautiful about being a parent. I know that it will be absolutely crazy but I will get through it. There something great about loving someone more than you love yourself.

7. What’s your favorite memory with your best friend(s)?

I have to pick two for this one. One- When Emma, DL, Alex and I go to the corn maze every year and I hold onto Emma's hand for dear life and we, laugh, curse and try not to fall in the mud and it's just hilarious. Also when Swag, DL and I went to see Catching Fire.

8. How many times did it take you to pass your driver’s test?

Haven't taken it yet but I am so nervous.

9. The scariest dream you had?

About 90% of the dreams that I have are scary. This is a hard question. My whole life I have been petrified of witches. I hate them, I don't want anything to do with them. The dream was that I was near a witches house alone and she kept looking for me. You had to be there to understand how scared I was.

10. How tall are you?

5'7 or 5'8

11. The last thing you ate was…

Pizza, it was delicious.

12. A band you want to see live is…

I don't have a band that I really want to see. I would love to see Taylor Swift in concert. Everyone thinks that they are so amazing and I want to experience that. I have been a 'swifty' ever since 'Tim Mcgraw' and 'Teardrops On My Guitar'.

13. Do you have a hero/someone you look up to? If so, who?

The first person I thought of was my brother. I really do love my brother even if I don't tell him enough. I love that he is a dork and is happy about everything.

14. Do you like to swim?

I do but I don't like to swim for hours like some people. It get's way to boring and I need to do something else.

15. Things you look for in a guy/girl?

I have already said this but loyalty. This is huge, I hate guys that think they can get away with messing with other girls. What pisses me off even more is the girls that let it happen and still date those types of guys. Also intelligence and just being a good person.

16. Has a book ever upset you?

Um, is this a real question? Yes of course!

17. What was the first instrument you learned to play? (if any)

I attempted to play the guitar. Yeah that didn't really happen.

18.  Some of your hobbies include…

Writing, reading, watching movies, traveling, riding horses etc. I feel like i'm signing up for a online dating site.

19. How do you deal with anger?

Depends on how bad it is. I do cry, I hate crying but i'm one of those people that can't help it. When I have to cry I have to cry. frustration + anger = tears.

20. Something you like about your appearance is…

I really don't like the way I look. I do love my eyes when you can see the green in them. Trust me it is there, I would know. I have to look at my eyes everyday. I have my grandmothers eyes and that makes me really happy.

21. What was the last movie you watched?

Theaters- Saving Mr. Banks  Home- Patch Adams. I loved those movies.

22. Do you have a favorite ghost story? What about a personal ghost story?

No, no just no. We will go there.

23. Where is the farthest from home that you've gone?

Florida, I love that place. aka my future home.

24. Have you met anyone through Tumblr that you'd like to meet in real life?

Yes a bunch of people. Most of the people on Tumblr are insanely intelligent people.

25. Do you look like your parents?

Yes, we don't have a perfect relationship but it could be worse. Whenever I see terrible parents who don't care about their kids I am immediately thankful for my parents. I don't think I could have survived this life without my Mom.

26. Things you have in common with your parents?

We are very different people. There are definitely little things that we have in common that would take me years to figure them all out.

27. What is to the right of you?

My wall, my bible and 'Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children'. Nice combination.

28. A favorite memory with a sibling?

Whenever my brother and I used to wrestle. We still wrestle and it never gets old.

29.  What is something you wish you'd done?

Read more as a child and a lot of other personal things that i'm not comfortable sharing.

30. What are some of your favorite blogs?

To be honest I don't really read blogs. I know i'm ashamed.

31. Do you sing in the shower?

No, I just never really liked to. I mostly sing in the car and I embarrass myself so much.

32. Something others have described you as...

Shy (the most annoying), Optimistic, pessimistic, happy, serious, scary (that was only once and I don't know why.)

33.  Name of every pet you've had...

Max, my dog right now. I had a fish once and I don't even remember the fishes name because I probably changed it all the time. I couldn't make up my mind.

34. Your favorite superhero?

BATMAN, you will never change my mind.

35. Two of your fears are..

1. The dark, 2. drowning.

36. What you're majoring in in college/what you plan to major in...

I really want to major in English and somehow become an English teacher.

37. What is your favorite season?

Spring, I love everything about it. Luckily I don't have allergies. *knock on wood*

38. The best vacation you took?

Florida, duh.

39. Why your best friend is your best friend.

I don't have one best friend. I hate choosing and I won't do it. Emma and I can't live without each other. One day she wasn't at school and I thought the world was ending. DL and Swag are my best friends because they are nerds just like me and we have this really weird connection that I don't understand.

40. How did you come across your favorite band?

Don't have one. If you have noticed, I can't make up my mind about anything.

41. Occupations you wanted as a little kid?

I didn't know what I wanted to be. I hated when people asked me because I was clueless. Now i'm glad that I have an answer.

42. Are you an introvert or extrovert?

Introvert, 100% an introvert.

43.  When was the last time you drank?

That's a long story for another post.

44. How many pillows do you sleep with?

I have four pillows but I don't sleep on any of them. I will not fall asleep if my head is on a pillow. Yes I know that's really weird.

45.  Are you a "safe" driver?

I am a cautious driver, I don't take risks when it comes to driving. I'm afraid to change the radio station while driving.

46. Something that's bothering you right now?

A lot of things.

47.  How many CD's do you own?

I'm sorry but who knows that?

48. How many books do you own?

I did this once but i'm not going to do it again. I know that it's around a hundred something.

49. How many aunts and uncles do you have?

Aunts- 5 Uncles- 4

50. YA or Adult?

I have said many times and I will say it again. Young Adult.



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