Things That Make Me Mad

     Right now my blood is running a little hotter than usual. No, I'm not sick. Just ticked off. I'll tell you why. Reason número uno: my health teacher basically said: "Introverts need to get over themselves and become extroverts". Reason número dos: my health teacher basically: laughed at my reason for wanting to be a teacher, said that being a teacher sucks because the government has complete control over the curriculum, and that I should reconsider. To this I say: what if we told that to every child in America? Excuse my French, but who the hell is going to teach the future generations of Americans, if not for people like me who want to teach? America needs teachers. Every functioning society needs teachers. Period. Don't give me the "being a teacher sucks" crap. Guess what? I'm willing to get my hands dirty. I'm willing to sludge through the muck. Unlike a good portion of the teachers I've had over the years, teaching is something I actually want to do. It's the only thing I've ever truly wanted to do.
     I am so sick and tired of this idea that the only "good" jobs are: doctor, lawyer, engineer. Doctor, lawyer, engineer. Because that's BS. How did the doctors become doctors, the lawyers become lawyers, and the engineers become engineers? TEACHERS! Somebody was willing to teach them so that they could become what they are. I am in no way hating on doctors, lawyers, or engineers. I have more than one of each in my family, and our society would not be the same without them. It would suck. I am, however, hating on the narrow minded people who don't value the teachers, carpenters, cosmotologists, and construction workers of the world. Writers, chefs, business owners... We need them all. So stop trying to force everybody into a box. Not all of us fit. 
    And then there's the whole "be an extrovert" thing. If I hadn't watched the Susan Cain Ted Talks video, I might have agreed. I might have thought that it was totally reasonable, maybe even necessary, to rid the world of introverts by converting them into extroverts. But now that I have a famous author backing me up, I want to scream or puke every time I hear somebody say something the effect of "It's an extroverted world. Introverts need to deal with it." Maybe I'm taking it too personally. And maybe I really, really don't care if I am. Because it makes me mad, and when something makes me mad, there is no use in trying that thing called "logic" on me.

Day Sixty-Three Song Recommendation: "Glycerine" by Bush.

-SE Wagner


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