Magnifying Our Problems

So today was a huge accomplishment for me. I went driving, like real driving. On the interstate, parked in a parking lot and didn't die or kill anyone. It was amazing and I will be honest i'm proud of myself. Anyway today was not a good least in the beginning. I woke up not wanting to go to church because we were away last week and missed as well. Usually when that happens I sleep in and I enjoy it. My parents got up though in time to make it to church. I groaned and went to take a shower and had to put on pants that weren't my comfortable sweatpants. I went to church and went to Youth Group. I love my youth group, I really do. Sometimes I feel like i'm the only one that's buying it. Or maybe they'll believe on Sunday and then completely forget about on Monday when their at school. Today Blair (one of our youth leaders) asked us what were our problems as teenagers in high school. To which our response was laughing and throwing our heads back because we think that there are so many problems that we have to face. That's true to a certain extent. Somehow we got into the topic of boyfriends and girlfriends. Then Blair proceeded to ask us why that was a problem. I said because it's hard to find a nice Christian guy in our world today. Blair agreed and then asked what other problems we had.

Getting good grades, peer pressure, how we hate our parents.

Again Blair agreed with us and asked if any of our past problems didn't work themselves out. Meaning we did survive from them right?

It's funny how when we have problems or difficult situations that it is never 'our' fault. It's always someone else's. This is completely unfair to the people who love and care about the most because they are the ones that have to deal with us. I often think whenever i'm having a mental breakdown in my head or taking my frustrations out one someone what God is thinking. I know that I shouldn't be freaking out but I do it anyway. Why? Because it's much easier than just letting it go. Why take blame it on other people? Because it gives me justification for lashing out on them. We get so narrow minded and put a magnifying glass on the our problems and the things and people that piss us off. They seem much bigger than what they really are. That if we don't pass that class or if we don't date that guy it's the end of the world.

Do we have real problems? Absolutely in some situations it makes perfect sense to not be happy or to cry or be angry about something. Don't let it linger though, it's not worth it.

To me driving period was one of my biggest problems. I hated it and I didn't want to do it now I realize merging onto the interstate or going over thirty five is not the end of the world. I survived and I'm okay. I need to sit back and realize how blessed I am to have my own car that only had 20,000 miles on it when I got it and the ability to drive it. Whenever I feel the need to get angry again I need to sit back and think about God because if I trust in him everything and I mean everything will work out on it's own.



P.S. the reason that I picked this song is because I love it and it makes me calm whenever i'm stressed out.


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