
     Besides being adorable, elephants are really fascinating creatures. They're super intelligent, enjoy living as a "family", and can be extremely compassionate. Here are some fun facts about elephants:
1. Male African elephants are the largest living terrestrial animals, weighing up to a whopping 15,000 pounds. 
2. Elephants' large ears help them regulate their body temperature. 
3. When in the wild, elephants can live to be over 70 years old. 
4. Elephants use seismic communication (the vibrating of the ground) to communicate over long distances.
5. They are known to show empathy for other dead and dying elephants. How sad and cute is that?
6. Elephants may have a sense of smell four times greater than that of a bloodhound's. 
7. Elephants can go through six sets of teeth in a lifetime. 
8. Like humans, elephants have a preference for which tusk they use. They're right or left tusked!
9. Elephants use mud as a sunscreen. 
10. An elephant's heart can weigh anywhere between 26-46 pounds. Anything with that big of a heart has got to be at least a little bit lovable!
11. The gestation period of an elephant is two years... And no wonder! Their babies weigh 260 pounds!
12. Elephants greet each other by wrapping or stroking trunks... Much like a hand shake!
13. Elephants aren't opposed to spankings... naughty young elephants may receive a trunk-slap, kick or shove from their elders. 
14. Elephants are known to create and use tools. One Asian elephant even created a flyswatter out of branches!
15. Elephants are well-known for their outstanding memories. 
16. Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump. 
17. Last but not least... Elephants laugh, play, and cry. 

Day Seventy Song Recommendation: "I Will Wait" by Mumford & Sons.
-SE Wagner


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