Bumps in the Night Tag (SE's Response)

I had forgotten about AB's tag until I read DL's response, and since I had nothing else planned and wasn't feeling very creative, I decided to do my response too:

What was the first fear that you remember having? 
I don't really remember my childhood that well... but my first fear was probably strangers. I did not like meeting new people. The first time I met DL was at the park. Our moms already knew each other because our older brothers were friends, so they were chatting, and DL and I were with them, and DL was all up in my face like "Hi! I'm DL (she didn't say DL, but I'm not about to tell you her real name)" and I just hid behind my mom. 

What is the most scary movie you have ever seen?

The fact that I can't remember it just kind of shows that it didn't leave that much of an impression on me. Oh! I thought of one. I didn't watch the whole thing, but one day I was over at my friend's house and we were watching TV in her basement, and she flipped to some random channel and it was this movie about these people being held captive and this guy was torturing them and like, cutting off body parts and it was so creepy and scary and ugh. I hated it.

What is the most ridiculous fear you have? 
You know how at night, when you're about to go into your bedroom and switch on the light, and it's dark and you're afraid that someone is going to grab your hand when you turn on the switch? No? Well, that's my irrational fear.

What would you do if you heard something in the middle of the night?
Shake uncontrollably, pee my pants, hide under the covers, and pray. Just kidding, I'd probably convince myself it was nothing, still be scared, crawl under the covers, and fall asleep. However, if there actually WAS something, I would do what I first said. You know, I actually do hear things in the middle of the night quite regularly. It's called mice scurrying through the walls. Pleasant.

Do your friends use your fears against you?
Not that I am aware of....

Scariest book you've ever read?
Maybe The Compound. It wasn't scary, but there were some disturbing parts. This family was living underground in a compound because their dad went crazy and convinced them the end of the world had happened, and after a couple years, he started keeping his children born in the compound as "Supplements"- an experiment in which he would see whether his family would eat their own kin if they got hungry enough.

Have you ever been in a haunted house?
I think so... it was a while ago though. I just remember walking through narrow, dark hallways and having people occasionally jump out at me and laugh when I jumped.

Day Sixty-Nine Song Recommendation: "Safe and Sound" by Azure Ray. No video today.


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