Bump In The Night Tag, VaughnDL

     First off, let me just say that AB, SE and I are so lucky to have an English teacher that has the same interests as we do! She was just as excited about the TFiOS trailer as we were!!!
     Once again, I don't have the time or will to write an actual post, so I'm going to do one of the tags that AB has lovingly provided us with via the blog:

What was the first fear that you remember having?
Hmmmm....Well when I was really little my Dad used to get home from work after my brother and I were in bed, and my room was basically right off the hallway, so my Dad had to pass me before getting in my parents' bedroom, so every night he would come inside after work and check on me in my little nook/room off the hallway and I always had this irrational fear that the guy who put his hand on my back and whispered "Good night" to me every night would one day not be my own Dad.

What is the most scary movie you have ever seen?
Okay, this question is really relevant because the scariest movie I've ever seen I saw just a few days ago for the first time! Fight Club is the scariest movie I've ever seen. I don't even know how to describe it. It wasn't scary like horror movie, just scary like "Okay enough with all the weirdness, please!!!" And like I get it, I understood the whole multiple personality disorder plot, he is Tyler, Tyler is him thing, but it was still a super duper disturbing movie. And I never ever want to see it again. It had a lot of interesting plot points, but I just thought it went waaaaay too far.

What is the most ridiculous fear you have?
Okay, so in order to understand my most ridiculous fear, you have to understand my bathroom layout: (Lol) so there's this little shelf thingy that's built directly into the wall right outside the shower, so that's where we keep out shampoo and body wash and whatnot instead of inside the shower, so when you need some 'poo, you just reach out of the shower and grab what you need off the little inset shelf thingy. Well, I always have this stupid fear that when I reach out to grab my conditioner or whatever out of the shelf thing, a hand is going to grab mine from outside of the shower. That would be the freakiest thing in the whole world! Thank goodness it's pretty much totally impossible.
There's someone out there...

What would you do if you heard something in the middle of the night?
I have two cats, both of which can be very very energetic (even Blackie, despite his fatness and wheezing) so I hear noises in the middle of the night pretty regularly. I've kind of just conditioned myself to it. Just last night I heard something that sounded like a huge crash and then scuttling kitty feet, and a considerate person would have gotten out of bed to go check out what happened, but I was like "It should be fine until I wake up." Anyway, that being said, if I heard a truly scary sounding noise in the night, I would probably lay really really still, avoid looking out the window (stupid lace curtains: I can see right through them at all times), and pray over and over again that nothing bad would happen to me. I've actually done this before. Nothing bad has ever happened to me; thank goodness for answered prayers.

Do your friends use your fears against you?
No, they don't. Why? Do friends do that? Maybe they shouldn't be your friends... Haha, but really, I don't really have many exploitable fears, so no, my friends don't use them against me.

Scariest book you've ever read?
Probably either The Boy in The Striped Pajamas byJohn Boyne or Autumn Street by Lois Lowery. Neither of them are scary in the ghosts and goblins kind of way, but just scary in the "Oh my gosh, humans are horribe creatures, I hope that never happens to me" sense. The whole concept of The Boy in The Striped Pajamas is scary, but the specifically frightening part of Autumn Street is when the little boy gets killed in the woods by some lunatic, and they describe the slit in his throat as looking like a wide smile. That gives me shudders every time I think about it. And I first read that book when I was like 9 years old. It freaked me out for weeks.

Have you ever been in a haunted house?
Not a legitimate one, but I have been in one of those quick walk through haunted houses that people set up in their own house during Trick-or-Treating, and it wasn't really that scary, but the things popping out did kind of make me jump. This was back in like, 6th grade. I used to always want to go into that big haunted house at the boardwalk in Ocean City though. I still kind of do.

Well, that's all for today!



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