What Guys Look For In Girls...A Woman's Thoughts On This Insane Video

Okay, i'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while. This is my third attempt at a post, I just have so many things to say.
So if you haven't heard of the video 'What Guys Look For In Girls' consider yourself lucky. The video was fortunately taken down by the person who made the video, a fifteen year old viner named Nash Grier. I will admit I love vine and I am a fan of Nash. This video was hurtful and just unbelievable in many ways. I try not to freak out about videos or things where men are total douche bags because some men are just like that. I talk a lot about strong women and women are bad influences because it's what I want to talk about. So many girls, including myself can be really insecure and sensitive. Sadly we tend to believe when someone says that we are not beautiful or other hurtful things.
I took some notes on what Nash and his other two friends said that they wanted in a significant other.

  1. Girls involved in sports (They actually said volleyball), camping and is outgoing. 
  2. A girl who plays hard to get but not to hard to get. You can't be a slut but you have to give them what they want.
  3. Great style, not a lot of make up especially not lip gloss or lipstick for making out purposes.
  4. Changes their hair consistently 
  5. Outgoing but not to loud or annoying.
  6. Can sing and cook.
  7. Waxes or shaves their body hair. Especially if they have peach fuzz on their face or to much arm hair.
  8. Must have freckles or longer dark wavy hair.
  9. Naturally beautiful hair.
  10. Makes sure that they keep them in check and makes sure that they upload videos on time.
There is a lot of hurtful and unreasonable points in this video. I was actually being kind when writing those points. It was degrading because even while watching this video I felt like no guy would ever want me because I wasn't what those guys wanted. Then I thought about it. I wouldn't be surprised if these guys never found anyone because no one is perfect.
With the first point, not everyone is athletic. I'm certainly not and why volleyball? I don't mind going camping but why outgoing? Why can't we be ourselves?
The second one really made me angry. How dare you just bluntly call a girl a slut because she was to 'easy' to get. You don't know her back story. Maybe her father or the men in her life were not good examples and she really doesn't know what a 'good boyfriend' is so she just desperately looks. On the playing to hard to get one of the guys was actually shocked that he dated this girl for about two weeks and finally in two weeks she kissed.
Two weeks, seriously? How do you get to know someone well enough to kiss them in two weeks?
What does great style mean? that they wear whatever you want them to wear. What is up with the lipstick? I will wear lipstick or lip gloss when and wear I want.
The hair also really pisses me off. I have so much hair! Thick hair that is sometimes impossible to work with. You can't tell someone how to do their hair and make them feel less beautiful because they don't do something with their hair everyday.
Can sing and cook? Why singing? So they can serenade you whenever you want, your own personal radio? Cooking so they can feed you whenever you want them too.
Okay no the body hair really makes me angry. Hair is something that we all have. Shaving for girls can be a annoying task and something that sometimes we just don't feel like doing. I will not shave my arms or my face to meet your expectations. No girl should even feel the need to do something like that. Again girls with insecurities will hear this look in the mirror and feel unsatisfied and change who they are and even sadly shave their face.
Dark, long, wavy, naturally beautiful hair.
As girls we can't help what our hair is like naturally. Whether it is wavy, straight or wavy with curls. Why do you care what a girl's hair looks like naturally.
The last point. Who do you think they are? Your Mom? I can't even say anything else about that without going insane.
At the end of the video they said ultimately they needed to be themselves and who they are as a person. So they basically just gave a list telling girls how they needed to be to get a guy. You can't do that.
To all the girls who feel like they need to be a certain way to get a guy you really don't. Be who you are and you'll get a guy who actually respects you for you and doesn't care what your hair looks like naturally.
Stay beautiful,


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