The Jennifer Lawrence Craze

     Jennifer Lawrence is in just about everything these days.  Just right now, if you go to your local cinemas, you have a one in four chance of seeing her face on the big screen.  She's everywhere.  But not for bad things, like some celebrities.  She just has that quality that makes people love her.  She is authentic, down-to-earth, carefree, humble, funny, and unprecedented.  While there are quite a few celebrities that people of all ages fawn over, they all have a certain standard ground that makes them kind of boring and predictable.  While they may be funny, you've watched enough interviews of them to know that they have several go-to stock answers that they reuse a little too much.
      I think the reason why Jennifer Lawrence is so well-liked is because she's relatable.  You can tell that she's just a normal person, despite all of her fame.  She acts like a normal person, falls up stairs like a normal person, messes up like a normal person, laughs maniacally like a normal person.  That's what makes her funny, too.  Her never-ending self-degradation is amusing and fresh.  She never takes herself seriously... I've heard her say time and time again something to the effect of "What I do is stupid.  I don't save lives; I act."  She's also one of those people who has worked from the bottom up.  She wasn't born into a film family.  She went from playing a mascot in the TV show "Monk" to being Katniss Everdeen, girl on fire.  One thing is for sure, Jennifer Lawrence has been on fire recently.
     Aside from her refreshing personality, she also has natural, raw talent for acting.  According to agents who heard her read her first "cold read" (whatever that is) in New York, "It was the best cold read by a 14-year-old they had ever heard."  Acting, like most arts, is one of those things that either you can or can't do.  You're born with it, or you're not.  You can work your butt off every day for the rest of your life and still not be as good as somebody who never ever practices but just has a spectacularly unfair God-given talent for it.  I get the impression that acting is like a sixth sense.  Some people possess it, and some don't.

Day Twenty-Nine Song Recommendation: "Deck the Halls" by Danny Kaye.
A Christmas Story... either you love it or you hate it.  I haven't seen it enough times to hate it yet. ;)

-SE Wagner


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